Swapped Destinies Au

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So this is basically a swap au.

Starting off with who each character is swapped with:
Moon is swapped with Lunar
Sun is swapped with Eclipse
Lunar is swapped with Moon
Eclipse is swapped with Sun
Bloodmoon is just Bloodmoon- (I don't know who to swap them with-)

Now for the info!

Moon was created by Sun in this au, he was made to help Sun with his plan. He is happy and cheerful most of the time and all he wants to do is have fun. He's very hyper and energetic. He's always very childish.

Sun created Moon to help with his plan. He hates how childish his brother acts and just wants him to do the plan right. He's cruel af. He's serious and easily angered.

Lunar is more serious in this au. Him and his brother Eclipse run the daycare, Lunar does naptime while Eclipse does the morning shift. He is sarcastic and likes making fun of his brother (not in a mean way-). He doesn't talk too much and he curses alot.

Eclipse acts abit like a child in this au. He's very sweet and cheerful. He doesn't like to swear and he hates when his brother does it. He is a neat freak- He hates when everything is a mess.

Bloodmoon in this au is basically the same as the original Bloodmoon, only difference is instead of them being created by Eclipse they were created by Sun in this au.

Killcode is also in this au, I don't really know who to swap him with so he's just gonna stay the same as the original Killcode only difference is Sun is his kid instead of Eclipse in this au.

Well that's it for the Swapped Destinies Au, I may add some more info later if I think of more. Have an amazing day/night!

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