Never Trust a Snake

369 13 7

tw: s3@ring

Word Count: 2,313


Reader wakes up when he hears voices talking. He sits up and looks around to see that it was Cole and Kai talking. He climbs down their ladder, catching the two boys' attention.

"Good morning, Reader!" Cole says happily.

"Morning." Reader groans out, his throat dry from sleep. He grabs his ninja outfit and heads over to the bathroom.


Once he's changed, he walks back to his room and sees Zane's the only one not up yet, and it looks like he's having quite the dream. Reader puts his pjs in his green hamper, and asks the group, "Do you think we should wake him up?"

"Nah, I think he's fine." Kai says.

"Are you sure? 'Cause he looks like he's having a nightmare." Reader says.

"I mean, if you really think you should wake him up, then you can go ahead and do it. But you won't see the rest of us doing it." Reader sighs as he looks at Zane's "sleeping" form. (he kinda looks like he's in pain....poor boy) Reader bites his lip as he thinks about his decision.

"Alright, I'll let him sleep it out." Reader says finally.

"Okay." Kai says before continuing his conversation with Cole.

"So anyway, that's why I think chocolate waffles are better than blueberry waffles." Kai says. Reader giggles before asking, "What on earth are you two talking about?"

"We're talking about our favorite kind of waffle. And....did you say earth?" Cole asks.

".....yeah.....why?" Reader asks suddenly very weirded out.

"You know, you are making less and less sense the more that I know you."

"Oh....thank I guess." Before anyone could get another word out, Zane wakes up with a start, hitting his head on the top bunk.

"Oh, sleeping in. You're gonna be late for training." Jay says.

"Oh, how come no one awakened me?" Zane asks.

"Well, I was but I just thought it would be better if you slept whatever dream you were having out." Reader says as he scratches his head.

"Yeah, you looked like to you were having quite the dream." Kai says.

"How do I know this isn't a dream?" Zane questions nervously. Cole walks up to him, taking a pillow in hand, and hits him across the face.

"Does that feel like a dream?" He asks as Zane rubs his face.

"No. Thank you for your help." Zane says as he stands up. The boys giggle at his statement while Reader only rolls his eyes.

"Zane, hurry up and get dressed. Boys, let's go up and wait for Sensei." Reader says as he begins to walk out of the room.


The Gang's on the deck, still waiting for their Sensei.

"So.....what exactly did you dream about?" Kai asks when Zane stands beside Cole, finishing the line.

"I saw the falcon again." Zane says simply. Jay turns to him and says, "Whoa. Zane, every time you see that bird, something big happens. First it led you to the secret tree house."

"Then it led you to the Bounty." Cole finishes. Wait until it leads you to a snowy forest. Just then, Sensei walks out and stands in front of the line saying, "All right. Stretches. First, the Swooping Crane." Sensei does a stretch that looks a lot like that one move from Karate Kid. You know the one.

Ninja x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now