Date = Ruined.....or is it?

368 14 12

tw: swe@ring and negative self-thinking

Word Count: 1,339


Reader yawns silently as he adds details to his drawing of a woman dancing. He looks up as Nya continues her lecture.

"Some villagers unearthed the remains of this Fangpyre a few miles away. It predates the Golden Age and must be hundreds of years old. Although the venom in the fangs of the Fangpyre genetically mutate human cells into reptilian, I've learned there could be a way to stop the effects without having to create an antivenom." Nya says and Reader raises his eyebrows as he draws flowers on the clothes.

"If one is able to wildly raise their heart rate, hypothetically it could reverse the venom's effects. Resulting in....diminished, uh-excuse me-is someone wearing perfume? I'm severely allergic to perfume." Nya says, stumbling over her words. Reader looks up at Jay and gives him a deadpan look. He watches Jay whisper something to Kai and shakes his head disappointed.

"Meh, I got them mixed up." Kai brushes off, making him and Cole laugh. Reader just sighs.

"Ah, looks like class is over. Time to start stomping some Serpentine before they find any Fangblades." Cole says as he stands up. Kai stands as well saying, "Sounds like a plan."

"I'm excited to join." Zane says happily as the three of them walk out. Reader sighs as he gets up and takes his things. Before heading out he turns to Nya and says, "Hey Nya, if you wanna tell me to the rest of your little lecture thing, we can meet tonight in your room, if you want."

"Sure thing!" Nya exclaims before she waves to Reader as he leaves.

Reader sighs as he makes his way into his shared room. I hate how weird that sounded. She might think that I meant something else. Fuucccckkkkkkkkk I think I fucked up on that one. But the fact that she agreed so fucking enthusiastically. The fact that she knew what it sounded like, and still agreed to it. Without making a face or nothin'. Kinda scary, not gonna lie

"Hello, Reader. How is your foot feeling?" Zane greets pleasantly when he sees his friend make his way into the room.

"Still hurts, but at this point, I just kinda ignore it. Hope I can get around without these crutches sometime soon." Reader answers before sitting in a chair.

"Yeah, I bet you're real sick of those things." Kai comments. Reader shrugs.

"Eh, not really. Just kinda wanna get back to training and stuff. I'm not sick of the crutches, just sick of not being able to do much. Like, y'all've reached your peak physical potential, and I haven't yet because I've got a broke foot. I just hate the feeling of being left out in all of this." Reader admits. As he was talking, Zane had bent down and started to undo the bandages.

"I get what you mean, Reader. You have like weeks of training to catch up on while the rest of us just continue to 'level up'." Kai says doing air quotes on the last two words of his statement.

Reader looks down when he feels the cold air on his bare foot.

"How's it lookin', Zane?" Reader asks him.

"Your foot is healing nicely, however, it will take another few weeks before you're off of those crutches, I'm afraid." Zane explains as he examines Reader's foot.

"Aw man." Reader complains.

"I do apologize for the news, Reader." Zane says.

"No, no. You don't have to apologize for that. It's not really under our control anyway. I'm just kinda disappointed I'm not gonna be able to walk normally and stuff." Reader says.

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