Chapter 16: Lovers lake, again?

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Kali's POV:

"When we got to the shore, we tried calling you guys, but, uh, the walkie was busted man" Eddie said with a chuckle as he explained what had happened last night.

I stood next to him as we all exchanged intel on what had happened since we had last seen each other. Max's arms were wound tightly around my waist, practically squeezing the life out of me, but I didn't care. I was just glad she was safe.

"Do you know what time this was? The attack?" Nancy questioned, folding her arms over her chest as she looked down at the metalhead.

"Yeah, no, I.. I know exactly what time it was. The walkie wasn't the only thing that got soaked" Eddie threw his watch towards the oldest wheeler. I watched Nancy as she looked at the time on Eddie's watch, her eyebrows furrowing together as she turned to Robin "9:27".

"Same time our flashlights went kablooey" Robin spoke as she looked over at Nancy, "which means what exactly?" I asked confused. I get the feeling these guys are hiding something from us but we're all together now.

A team.

Nancy and Robin began to explain that the surge of energy they experienced inside the Creel house was Vecna killing Patrick. The time on Eddie's watch had confirmed their suspicions which now meant that we knew not only how Vecna attacks but where he attacks from.

We're finally one step closer to stopping this guy and clearing both of our names.

Thank god we had geniuses for friends.

I zoned back in as the guys were discussing how to kill Vecna, a lot of ideas were being thrown around but the one we all agreed on was that we needed to find a way into the upside.

Oh joy.

"Hey, uh, Henderson's not, uh, cursed, is he?" Eddie spoke softly as he shifted closer to Steve, his eyes watching the young boy pace back and forth.

"Cursed? No, no. He's fine. Mental? Absolutely" Steve chuckled at he too watched Dustin pace back and forth. I had managed to release myself from Max's grip and slowly made my way over to Dustin, his head turning as he stopped in his tracks and turned back to face us all.

"Boom!" The curly haired boy shouts, causing us all to jump slightly "bada... bada.... Boom. I was right" he turned his head towards Steve, pointing his finger at him as he finished his sentence "Skull rock was north".

"Seriously? You're serious?" Steve sighed loudly, running a hand through his hair and shaking his head at Dustin "this is Skull rock. Okay?" He exclaimed as he gestured with his hands towards the giant rock that Eddie was currently crouched underneath.

I made my way over to the metalhead, crouching down next to him and taking his hand in mine. A small smile appeared on his lips as he looked down at our interlocked hands before meeting my eyes.

I was barely concentrating on what was happening around me, everyone's voices seemed to disappear as I stared into Eddie's eyes. I felt as if we were the only two people in the world and when he lifted his hand and rested it against my cheek, my whole body tingled.

I turned into his hand, savouring the feeling of his calloused fingers against my cheek before placing a kiss against his palm. Our moment was soon interrupted by Steve "where are you going? Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Eddie and Kali are still wanted for murder. We can't just go hike in the woods" he shouted at Dustin who seemed to be eager to get out of the woods.

The curly haired boy looked over at the two of us before turning his gaze back to Steve "this little steel capsule might be the key to saving Max, Eddie and Kali" he turned his gaze back to Eddie and myself once more "what say you, Eddie the banished and Kali the damsel?".

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