Chapter 12 - Gabe's wedding

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Grace and I just arrived at Gabe's wedding location. While we're at the wedding Sara is staying at our grandmothers, I bet they'll have a great time together.

If I'm honest I'm a little nervous about today. I've never been to a wedding but seeing Grace in a beautiful dress is something I'm really looking forward. I'll probably just be a mess around her then.

"This is beautiful!" Grace gasps when we walk towards the big house. Gabe mentioned that he and Markus aren't going to get married in a church but in a big mansion kinda thing. It's also the house where we all be staying the night. Another thing I'm nervous about, sharing the room with Grace. I know she just lived with me for three days but this feeling different.

Next to the house there's a big hall, where we all will be dancing, eating cake and dinner, drink and just party a little. They even booked a band.

"I know, right? That's why we chose this place." We hear Gabe behind us, making us turn around to face him. We got here a little early for the check in, so that's why we're all not dressed yet.

"We'll let me show you around and then I'll bring you to your room." Gabe tells us with a big smile and we nod before following him. You can really see how happy and excited he is. But I bet he's also hella nervous, I'd definitely would be.

Eventually after a few minutes Gabe's tour is over and we're now in front of our room. I really don't know what to expect from this but I'm pretty nervous.

Gabe then opens the door and we three walks inside. But my eyes widen when I see that there's only one bed. I know we've been sharing the same bed for a few days but this another situation. I glance at Gabe to find him already smirking at me.

"I'll leave you to it.." he says before leaving the room. But not before secretly whispering to me, "I made sure you're very comfortable." I just look at him shocked. Did he make sure we only have one bed?

"We should get changed." Grace says, which brings me out of my thoughts. I quickly turn to her, making her chuckle softly. "No time for zoning out, dummy." She tells me before leaving to go into the attached bathroom and I snort. "Cállate." I mumble to myself as I put my bag on the bed.

"Eyy, no Spanish when I don't understand it!" She calls from the bathroom, which makes me laugh. "Not my fault!" I call back but all I get is a middle finger out of the door. That only makes me laugh again. "You know, I could teach you a bit, if you want?" I suggest as I take out my dress and put it on the bed, next to my bag. It's a black dress that goes a little over my knees.

"Really? That'd be great! I always wanted to learn Spanish." Grace replies and I can't help but smile at that. "Well you can always come over and I'll teach you some."

She doesn't answer though. But after a few moments she walks out. My eyes widen when I see her. She has a beautiful dark red dress on, which fits her perfectly. Her make up is a little more than her usual, but she already put that on at my place.

"I'll miss not living with you. I know it wasn't long but it was really nice." She says softly, making my face get flustered and I can't stop myself from smiling like an idiot.

"You look amazing." Is all I bring myself to say. Somehow no other words came out. My mouth is dry and my heart is beating so fast.

Grace's face instantly gets red and she quickly looks away, smiling embarrassedly. "Thank you." She mutters shyly, which makes me smile. "And yeah, I'll miss it too. It'll be weird not having you around." I add, on which she looks back to me. But then she looks me up and down, making me raise an eyebrow.

"Don't you need to change too?" She asks while pointing her finger at me. I look down at my clothes and then shrug. "Probably." I answer before taking off my shirt and my pants. But when I turn back around I find Grace staring at me.

Right...I probably should've gone into the bathroom. I'm just so used to her now that I guess I just forgot. "Oh right, bathroom, sorry." I say sheepishly before quickly skipping into the bathroom with my dress in my hand.

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