Chapter 2 - coworkers

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When I open the door to the teachers lounge I get hit with the smell of coffee and..cupcakes? What the...

"Oh hey, you must be Miss Garcia." A guy a little than me says when he sees me. He has short brown hair, is a few inches taller than me and wears glasses.

I just smile awkwardly. "Um..yes. I'm Maxine, or well Max." I look around a little. This is way different than I imagined. I always thought the teachers lounge would be..crusty and stuff but it's actually pretty nice.

"Well nice to meet you, Max. I'm Gabe." The guy replies with a smile and I slightly smile back at him. "What subjects are you teaching?" He asks curiously, crossing his arms over his chest.

"English literature, Spanish and PE." I answer with a small shrug and bis eyes widen a little. "I wish I could speak Spanish, it's so cool!" She groans with a big grin and I can't help but chuckle at that. "Well you can always sit in my class." I tease him, making him chuckle as well.

"Do you know by any chance where I can find my schedule?" I ask curiously and he nods immediately before walking somewhere. A few seconds later he comes back with a paper in his hand, my schedule I suppose. Gabe hands it to me and I thank him.

First two periods Spanish, nice.

"I'm soo tired!" I suddenly hear someone groan, clearly hearing a british account, which makes me look over my shoulder as Gabe laughs.

But what I didn't expect is to be faced with the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. She has beautiful blonde hair, which go a little longer than a bob, stunning brown doe eyes I could notice miles away and the cutest smile in the world.

"Oh hi, you're new." She says with a crooked smile and I smile back, nervously. Holy fuck, I've never been like this. Like a teenager, unable to talk to the pretty girl.

"Um..yeah. Today is my first day actually." I mumble embarrassedly but she just smiles at me. Damn she's in a good mood. "I hope you're settling in well. I'm Grace, nice to meet you." The woman says while holding her hand out to me.

I glance down at her hand and then back up to her. I take her hand and shake it gently. "Nice to meet you too, I'm Max." I respond and again, there's her big smile again.

It looked like she wanted to say something but the bell rings. "Well..see you two in the break." Grace says to me and Gabe before leaving.

"She really loves her job, doesn't she?" I ask, a little weirded out how someone can love their job so much, as I turn back to Gabe and he nods instantly. "She does. Grace really doesn't fail but to bring up your mood, even when you have a shitty day." He says with a big smile. They're definitely not just coworkers. Maybe good or even best friends?

You're probably thinking why I'm not assuming that they might be dating. Well that guy is very obviously gay, I can smell it from a mile away. I have a very good gaydar.

"Sounds like you really know each other." I comment and he nods with a smile. "We've been best friends since we were kids." Gabe answers, which explains a lot. "That's cool, working with your best friend." I add and he nods again as his smile widens. "It is. Do you have a best friend?" He responds, looking at me curiously.

"I do. But we haven't seen each other lately because of her job. She's traveling a lot." I tell him while pressing my lips together and he looks at me sadly. "That's really unfortunate. But heyy, you have us now!" Gabe exclaims happily, grinning at me widely, which makes me chuckle.

"But we also should get going now." He adds and I nod in response. "Probably, yeah." I reply before we walk out of the teachers lounge together. "Good luck."

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