Chapter 13 - jealousy?

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The ceremony just ended and I bawled my fucking eyes out. I never imagined myself to cry at something like this but it was just so perfect and I'm so happy for them. Maybe I'm also a little depressed that the person I like will never feel the same.

Well's time for cake and dinner now. Grace and I are sitting at the table with Gabe and Markus. There are also their parents and their best men. I haven't really talked to Ryan, Markus best man but Finn, Gabe's best man, has been really nice so far.

I like him, I guess. What I don't like is that Ryan has been eyeing and flirting with Grace the whole time. Most of the time Grace flirts and chats back, which just hurts. It's already hard that the person you like is taken but then someone flirting with her right in front of you hurts even more. Because I've never met William and never see them together it doesn't really feel like he exists. But seeing it is worse. I guess this has become something I'll have to get used to.

Ryan is a tall, black man and has short hair, nearly a buzzcut. You could say he's pretty handsome.

"Hey, are you alright?" Gabe asks, leaning back in the chair to look at me. Im sitting next to Gabe's mother and Grace, with Grace on my right and Gabe's mother on my left. Gabe is sitting next to his mom and Markus. Of course on Grace's other side is Ryan.

I just feel so stupid. She lets him flirt with her the whole time but as soon as we have a little moment together or I say something kind of flirty she's being weird about it and ignores it. And here she is laughing at his dumb jokes and his stupid face.

I just nod at him before looking back at my food. I know he knows that it's not the truth and he'll definitely talk to me later but I can't right now, especially since Grace is literally next to me.

But then suddenly Gabe's mom turns to me and speaks up, "I just wanted to take a moment to say that I'm really glad I could finally meet you. Gabe has been telling me a lot about you." I can't help but look surprised at her. Usually moms or parents in general don't like me. Well what can I say? My whole body is full of tattoos and piercings and in this dress I can't really hide them. My appearance scares people off sometimes I suppose.

"Oh he has? I hope only good things." I joke, making her actually laugh a little. "Of course. He told me you started teaching a few months ago. What subjects are you teaching?" She asks curiously and I smile at that. I didn't think this could make me feel better right now but it does.

"We'll I've studied English lecture and I'm fluent in Spanish, so that's why I'm teaching it as well. But I also teach PE class. I didn't study it but I've been doing karate, playing soccer and volley ball since I was young, so that's why I'm somehow allowed to teach PE as well." I answer with a big smile. I really love my job. Of course it's difficult sometimes and studying all that was hell but it was totally worth it.

"How wonderful. It sounds like you really love what you're doing." She says and I nod. "I do."

"Hey, my nephew, Chase, loves soccer, he's actually playing it over there in the corner. Would you mind playing with him? He'll very happy about it." Markus asks with a hoping smile and I smile back at him.

I nod. "Sure. I finished eating anyway." I answer before getting up from the chair. "How are you gonna play in heels?" Gabe asks curiously, raising his eyebrow at me. I snort. "You'll see."

"Where are you going?" Grace suddenly asks, which makes me frown. Has she really heard nothing of what we've been saying? Great, Ryan must be great then. I guess we know with who she'll go out if she leaves William..

I sigh. "Playing soccer with Chase." I answer coldly before walking over to the little guy. He has short blond hair and doesn't look older than seven years old. Good thing I'm good with kids.

"Hey there. I'm Max, a friend of your uncles." I say to him and he immediately turns to face me. "Hi, I'm Chase." He replies shyly, making me smile. "Cool ball you've got there. You wanna play?" I ask and his eyes literally start to glow at that. "Yeah!" He exclaims while quickly grabbing the ball.

The room here is super big, so there won't be anything problems if me kick around a little. I don't think he's able to kick it far anyway.

"But we have to be careful, okay?" I add and he nods excitedly. We then start playing for a while, just passing the ball to each other. I even taught him some tricks. Some people started watching us and they were surprised that I'm able to play in heels so well. But Chase wasn't surprised, more..amazed. Even Gabe joined us to play after a while.

It's really fun and it keeps my mind off Grace for some time.

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