Chapter 5 - partying

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Today is the first day in months that I'm alone in our apartment. Sara is sleeping over at Marie's and I didn't think that I could feel this..lonely after everything that happened.

So I'm glad that tonight I'm going out with Gabe and Grace. That'll put my mind off these things. But of course I also love spending time with my friends.

I just parked my car at Gabe's house and wow, this is huge. Well..for my standards it's huge. I notice Grace's car standing in the driveway already, making me start to get nervous. I can't fuck this up today.

I check my makeup in the mirror of my car. I decided to do dark green eye makeup with my usual eyeliner and a dark brownish lipstick. I grab my little bag and take deep breath before getting out of my car. I pull my dress down a little before walking over to the front door. But before I could even open the door the door already flies open and I'm face to face with Grace.

As soon as she sees me in my dress her eyes widen. She looks me up and down, slowly, like she could be missing any detail if she'd look faster.

"Hey." I say with breathing out heavily, which makes her look up to me immediately. "Hi." She replies with a sheepish smile, her face turning red quickly.

"You look great." Grace says softly, her eyes sparkling, which makes me smile. Only then I dare to look down her body and her outfit. She's wearing a tight white dress, which pretty much looks like my dress, just in white.

"You look..amazing." I tell her as I slightly step a little closer to her. She immediately looks down at that, hiding her face embarrassedly. "Thank you." She mumbles shyly, making me smile.

"How do I look?" We hear Gabe whine dramatically and we laugh while turning to face him. "You look very good." Grace and I tell him both at the same time, which makes him smile widely.

"Now let's goo!" He exclaims cheerfully while rushing outside of his house, locking the door behind him. We laugh at this action but follow him instantly.

"So..who's exactly picking us up when we're all going to drink?" I ask curiously as we get into Gabe's car. "My fiancé, Markus, is out with his friends and is going to give us a ride back."  Gabe winks at me before starting to drive.


Arriving at the club we three immediately went over to the bar to get drinks. It's been so long since I was drunk, I really need this today.

"So..when are we going on the dance floor?" Grace asks after we went for a few shots. "Uh, I think I need more shots for that." I comment with a groan, on which she glares at me. Oh shit..

"You're not a fan of dancing?" She asks while leaning closer to me, wincing her eyes closer together as she stares at me. "Not really. I can't really dance anyway. Not unless I'm drunk, I guess." I answer with a shrug.

But on that she starts to grin. "Then we better get you drunk." She says before ordering another round of shots. I can't help but laugh at that and then take the shot glass. "You're in for a treat." I tell her before drinking the shot, Grace and Gabe joining me.

"This is going to be gooood." Gabe comments with a amused look as he watches me and Grace. "Another round?" Grace asks us with a raised eyebrow and a smirk, making us laugh. "Sure."

We've been doing a few more shots and finally I'm feeling the alcohol. "Let's dance!" Gabe cheers before walking over to the dance floor. I was about to just try to secretly stay here but not with Grace. She just takes my hand, like it's the most casual and normal thing and leads me on the dance floor.

"Just turn off all your overthinking thoughts. Just dance." Grace whispers in my ear with a small smirk, sending shivers through my body. Damn, this woman doesn't make it easy for me..

At first there were just a few techno songs and we just goofed around a little. But then the music style changes and "shameless" from Camilla Cabello starts playing. I love that song.

"I love this song!" Grace exclaims, like she's reading my thoughts. I look over to Gabe, who's already wiggling his eyebrows at me with a big grin.

He then moves closer to me. "Better shoot your shot now." He tells me before gently pushing me into Grace. She turns around to face me at that. But as soon as she sees it's me she starts to smile.

But then she does something I really didn't expect. She puts her hands around my waist and pulls me into her. My eyes widen at that as she scans every detail of me with her eyes. Oh god, don't look at me with those eyes.

Fuck it. We probably won't remember much of this tomorrow anyway.

I go with my hand through my hair as I start to move my body against hers. After that I drop my arms over her shoulders and lean my forehead against hers with closed eyes. I can feel her breath against my face, making the butterflies in my stomach go crazy.

I breath in her scent deeply before leaning my head back again. As soon as I open my eyes I meet hers, like she's been watching me this whole time.

"Heyy guys!" We suddenly hear a deep voice call, which makes us pull away from each other immediately. "Hey!" Gabe exclaims before hugging the guy. Oh right..that's Markus, Gabe's fiancé. I recognize him from pictures that Gabe showed me.

But there are two other man who I don't recognize. They're probably Markus friends.

"You must be Max. It's nice to finally meet you." Markus says with a genuine smile, which I return. "Nice to meet you too." And thanks for ruining my moment with Grace!

"Hey, Grace. Nice to see you again." One of Markus friends says to her, smirking at her. Disgusting.

Grace doesn't say anything though, she just gives him a small smile. A awkward, uncomfortable smile if I might mention.

"Let's get more drinks.." she mumbles before grabbing my hand and pulling me with her. At least she still want to hang out with me.

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