|Chapter 13| The Park

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I woke up the next morning ready for school! I grabbed my clothes and got ready. I combed my hair out after changing and brushed my teeth. I smiled looking at myself. I was excited. Another day here, here with my foster dad. I haven't felt scared since the attack on the bridge, but it wasn't even fear for my own life, it was fear of someone else. I was safe... I left the bathroom excited to see Sabre who is always up in the mornings with breakfast and lunch ready for me, instead though I was met with silence. The lights were off. My lunch bag was where I left it the last time I went to school and was empty. I wasn't upset, but I was worried... He is always up in the morning. I looked towards the hallway where his bedroom was... It wouldn't hurt to check to see if he was okay right?

I went to his bedroom door and opened it slowly. The door creaked quietly. It was dark in the room and I saw him asleep on his bed. I know he said to turn on the lights when I need to wake him up but... I don't want to wake him up. I went over to the side of the bed he was sleeping on to see he didn't have his blindfold on. I saw what looked like faint precise scars over his eyes lids. He has dark bags under his eyes. He didn't look good... I reached my hand out to touch his face, and his skin felt warm to the touch. He stirred when I touched him, but didn't wake up. I pulled my hand back and then left the room quietly while closing the door. I'll make my lunch so he can sleep for a little bit longer...

I opened the fridge and made myself lunch. A sandwich, with some apples, carrots, and yogurt. I put it into my lunch bag. I closed the door and looked up at one of the up-high cabinets. That's where he seems to keep all the medicine, but I was too short to reach it on my own. I climbed up onto the counter to reach the cabinet. I opened the door to see many bottles of vitamins and pills. I took one out and read it. Melatonin. I have gotten a lot better at reading and was happy I was able to read it. I think Sabre gave me some to help me sleep. That won't help... I put that bottle away and grabbed another one it read ibuprofen. It said it helps with fevers and pain... Thats perfect! I didn't know much he would need so I took the bottle with me. I put it on the counter so I could get the cabinet closed and get myself back on the floor.

I would make breakfast, but the only thing I knew how to make was grilled cheese sandwiches... even then I only helped a little. I turned on the lights in the kitchen and living room and went back into Sabre's room to see he was still sound asleep. I saw his blindfold on the nightstand on his bed and put it over his eyes. I then turned on the lights. It took a few seconds for Sabre to wake up.

"Rainbow?... Did you need something?" He asked with a groggy voice and sat up from his bed. He quickly grabbed his blindfold before it fell on the bed and paused. He then put it on over his eyes.

"I uh... need to go to school now," I told him. He looked at the clock on his nightstand. He got out of bed quickly.

"Sorry Rainbow didn't mean to sleep in. I might bring you lunch over I just only will have time to make you some breakfast." Sabre apologized.

"I already made some lunch for myself. I just can't use the oven or stovetop..." I mumbled that last part.

"That's okay, I can teach you later. I need to change, but I'll make some breakfast for us... Do you think you could take out the eggs from the fridge while I change?"

"Yeah! I can do that!" I left the room closing the door from behind and went back into the kitchen. I grabbed the eggs from the fridge and put them on the counter. I looked through another cabinet to find some toast. I've seen people do this on t.v... I grabbed four slices of bread and put them in the toaster. I noticed the temperature was already set so I didn't change it and let the bread become toast. I then made sure I had all of my things together while waiting for Sabre. He soon came out of his room. He was limping while he walked. He waved hello to me and started cooking the eggs. The toast came out of the toaster while he was cooking the eggs. He jumped a bit.

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