|Chapter 28| Father-Son Time

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"So are you excited?" I asked Rainbow as we walked through the busy streets, it was a nice spring day, the air warm and gentle. The sky filled with fluffy clouds. We didn't need to wear as much to stay warm. Summer is coming soon, and I'm excited to spend time with him when it rolls around. I can't wait to just... Be his dad.

"I can't wait to see the lab! Well... fully, not like last time when all those villains attacked." He sighs thinking back to what happened last time. I nodded in agreement.

"It's a lot nicer than it was then, and you will be able to see all the cool rooms this time. Mostly Professor Watts' experiments." His jaw drops.

"I'll get to see them all?!" He grabs my hand looking up at me as his amber eyes glow in the sunlight. I chuckled.

"Not all of them, but most of them." We continue to walk through the streets, using my cane to help keep the weight off my leg. It's been doing better, but from how much I have been straining it it still hasn't fully healed over. I know that once I take down Nightmare King I can finally focus on letting my leg heal.

"Is there a favorite one you have seen?" I think about it for a moment.

"Well, it depends. He works on a lot of machines. He likes to focus on a powerful source of renewable energy. He also goes into machines to help improve life overall. Like better movability aids, complex robots can help do hard-working jobs faster without fully taking the job away from the people who work in them. He likes to go into atom work and better understand nuclear work and fusion- eh? He only does that when he goes work on those sites though." I sigh thinking about how much he does, it surprises me he is still able to deal with college students.

"That's so cool! I want to see all of it!" Rainbow staff running ahead as we see the lab close to us. I groaned shaking my head.

"Don't run too far!" I couldn't run of course, so I sped walk to him. He goes in through the front doors met with a more office-style main floor. There was a front desk for checking people in and out. Rainbow waves hello. The desk lady gave him an odd look.

"Hello? Are you lost?" She questions him with a concerned tone. He looks around the room before pointing at me who just barely caught up with him.

"I'm here with my dad! He wanted to show me everything!" I sighed a looked up at her.

"Sorry about that. I'm a bit slow." I rubbed Rainbow's shoulder. Seeing me and him she smiles and points to a familiar elevator.

"Go ahead Sabre, Professor Watts is working on some programming right now. He will be happy to see you." I lead Rainbow to the elevator. We step inside and he presses the button to the top floor. Rainbow shifts a bit with the elevator as it starts to move up. He holds onto his arm to keep himself balanced. We both giggled with each other.

The elevator doors soon open once we reach the highest level. Rainbow quickly steps out calling out for Watts. I get out of the elevator behind him before looking for him.

"Professor Watts!" Rainbow calls out. The room was mostly glass. On the left corner was his office with four monitors and a strong custom pc. Papers littered everyone over his office area. Machine parts and machines become worked out evenly spread out around with warning tape around each project. On the right was a little lounge area for small meetings. Three couches and a large coffee table in the middle. I couldn't see him anywhere though.

"Professor Watts! It's me and Rainbow!" I exclaim looking around for him behind a few tall machines. I still couldn't find him despite it. Rainbow calls out to him more time causing me to choke on my spit.

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