|Chapter 22| Detective Work

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"Call me if anything is okay. Have a good day at school Rainbow!" Just like that the door closed and Rainbow waved me goodbye as he went into school. I started to drive home through the school traffic. I thought back to all the things I needed to get done today and couldn't help but sigh in exhaustion.

This was going to be a long day.

After a long drive back home I parked the car and went back inside. Up into my room where I locked the door behind me. I put my keys away and went into my office. I made sure the door was locked behind me. I looked at my Flash outfit which was nicely hung up. I grabbed it and put it on. Once it was well-adjusted I did a quick check of my voice and radio.

"Hey Watts, I'm coming over," I told him as a quick check. Everything was working well. I left out the window, and couldn't help but laugh a bit. I'm kinda like a teenager sneaking out the window to meet with his girlfriend or something. I got down the fire escape and took a deep breath.

I ran as fast as I could to Watts' labs. I took a breath of fresh air as I ran- well as fresh as you can get in a city. My feet thumped on the ground so quickly that it was hard to figure out where I would be next when I blinked. Everything around me felt slow when I ran. I made sure to stay out of the way of people and vehicles as I ran. I could even hear a few screams of people cheering my name. Each turn I made was wide so I wouldn't skid and find myself face-first in a pole.

I remembered how long it took me to learn how to run like this. It was almost like learning how to walk for the first time. I had to find ways to balance myself, be aware of my surroundings, and know what to avoid. All of it was new for the first month I learned about my newfound abilities. Even still it seems I am still learning more about myself. Like the electricity, I can shoot... which I still need to figure out. For the fun of it and to avoid traffic I skidded into an alleyway before quickly wall-jumping left and right to the top of the roofline. From there I jumped from building to building. It's always fun to jump around at a speed like this.

I soon saw the lab not too far from my sights. I jumped down and skidded against the side of a building before running the last little bit to the lab. My heart pounded in my chest as I made my way into the building. I got to his usual workroom. I made it in there just as I saw Watts listing over the note I left on the radio.

"You were faster than last time Flash." He smiled a bit. I nodded and took a few moments to catch my breath from my short sprint.

"You think so? I can't tell anymore." I shrugged and sat down at his desk. He sits down next to me.

"How have you been feeling? Since the last attack?" He asks a bit concerned.

"I'm feeling alright, just not 100% you know?" I rubbed my leg a bit to help with the upcoming stress I knew I would be getting sooner rather than later. "Still on painkillers though. This will be my last day using them though."

"Good, still... why are you out and about today? You should focus on healing first." He pushed his wheeled chair to the computer and started working on a few things.

"I know... but I've already taken too long with this. I am going back to the warehouse to see if I can find any clues about Captain Cold and The Nightmare King." I explain. I rubbed my hands a bit thankful Rainbow healed them earlier. It will make today's work easier for me.

"I understand... is that all you came here to tell me?" Watts asked.

"Yeah, just thought it would be better if I told you in person. I'll be back with any clues I promise." I went back to the door with a small wave goodbye to him, but when I opened the door I found it locked. I sighed knowing what he did.

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