Chapter 7 - A mini battle

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(h/l) = Hair length
(h/c) = hair color
(F/f) = favorite food
(F/d) = favorite drink
(F/c) = favorite color
(Y/n) = Your name
(L/n) = last name
(S/c) = skin color
(E/c) = Eye color
(B/s) = body shape
(N/d/h) = Non dominant hand
(D/h) = Dominant hand
(2/f/c) = 2nd favorite color
(3/f/c) = 3rd favorite color
(4/f/c) = 4th favorite color

( Sorry if any of these are wrong )

You beautiful (e/c) eyes fluttered open as you remember what had happened recently. You realized it had only been 15 minutes in this hotel room. But for some reason you didn't feel good in the room. Not wanting to wake up Flowey you decide to pick him up like a baby and you grabbed your bag. Then you left the room.

As soon as you got down stairs to the lobby, you completely missed the bunny lady by the counter. Then you heard her yelled at you.

"Um excuse me! .. um h-human.." The lady said stuttering a bit.

You turned around to look at her, but then you looked at Flowey to make sure he wasn't awake. Oh my god who knew that the little devil flower slept peacefully. You then put your index finger over you lip and looked at Flowey who was sleeping. Giving the lady a hint to speak a little quieter.

She then looked at Flowey, noticing how peacefully he was sleeping. Even she thought that he slept peacefully. She then looked at you. Then opened her mouth to continue to say what she was saying earlier.

"Have a wonderful day, make sure your careful out there.." The lady spoke quietly, giving you warm smile.

You then nodded your head and thanked the lady. Then you got out of the hotel building and started walking away from the building. You looked at Flowey once more to make sure he wasn't awake. Oh my god how can a little devil flower sleep so peacefully?!?!

That's when you bumped into something, gooy and slimy. You looked at the thing that you bumped into. And were you in for a treat. It was a monster. And hell it even wanted to kill you.

"Hey look I'm-" before you got to finish you sentence the slimy gooy monster attacked you. Thankfully you dodge. But while doing that you carefully put Flowey some where he wouldn't get hurt.

Some of your (h/c) hair got in your face but you didn't mind you simply got it out of the way. Shit.. well it surely did want to attack.

"Look I don't wanna do this so how about we just chill and talk for a bit.." You said in a nice, gentle voice, not wanting to fight.

But then it attacked once more, you then dodge again, untill you felt your (N/d/h) hand bleeding. And it stuck as hell to, making you howl in pain. You gritted your teeth. Shit!

You looked over your arm and it was bleeding a lot. You sighed not wanting to make the choice you were about to make. Pulling out the big kitchen you sliced the monster in half then stabbing it. Harming it in anyway possible.

After it was dead, weak, gone. You cried even more. Fuck... You really didn't want to do that. After all it had a future, life, a purpose. Like you. But then you ran over to Flowey, not caring if the blood was dripping into the white snow.

Thank God. Flowey was safe. But then he opened his eyes, meeting your (e/c) eyes.

"Holy- (Y/n)!" Flowey yelled looking at your arm.

You were about to tell him you were fine. But then Flowey started healing you with magic. Honestly, you had to admit, you like watching him heal you. Flowey did a really good job at it as well.

"W-Why didn't you wake me up?..." Flowey said in a concerning voice.

"Well you looked peaceful sleeping Flowey.." You said smiling, laughing a bit.

This made the flower blush and look away quickly before you notice. You then picked up Flowey, him wrapped around you arm again and you continuing the journey to the human world.

"So Flowey what do think the humans will say about you?" You asked Flowey, smiling as you continue walking.

"The-. The humans?"

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