Chapter 39 - Tears and more Tears of sorrow

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A/n aka Author's Note

This chapter will mention suicide. So you have been warn.

You ran. Even if your lungs felt like they were burning. Even if your legs were killing you, or even it was to the point you were about to cough up blood.

If you ran into monsters you tried to end it as quickly as possible, sometimes you had to kill the monster. You did this untill you exited the CORE and Hotland.

Soon you entered an area that was grayish, it just showed light colors. Like gray, white or so. However you didn't bother, you sped walk the whole time. Soon you entered a gray house, as you walked in there was a green chain with two key locks that needed to be open.

As you were looking you saw a mirror, it was you...

You then looked to your right, seeing a green key you took it. You might need it later.

You started looking through the rooms quickly but also carefully. There were some drawing, a worn dagger and a heart locket. It looked the same as yours. Tears started forming in your eyes, still you took the other heart shape locket.

Walking out of the room, you went and look at the other side of the house. Eventually you can across the kitchen, and on the kitchen counter top there was another green key. You took that as well. Then you dash back to where you saw the long green chain and quickly you unlocked it. You ran.

You were crying so much it felt like there was no more energy in you. You watched everything and everyone you love die. You had the chance to escape and you're not wasting it.

Eventually, you stop running but you sped up your pace. Soon, you made it to the judgement hall. There you would be judged for you actions. Except, as soon as you came to a stopping, so did the point of judgement.

There hung Sans dead body, you went went in shocked as you stood there speechless. A note was on the ground. Picking it up you read it through tears.

Dear (Y/n),

Human you did well. I known how many monsters you killed. But you did it for self defense, everyone is almost gone. Not the king. Surely, you can work something out with him. I'll miss you, my brother is dead, so is Undyne, Muffet. Almost everyone. Just stop this, please, do a reset it you have to, but I want this to end.

From, Sans

Tears rolled down you face as you held the letter. But as you looked up Sans body was no longer hang, making you think he's not dead after all. That is untill you looked back on the ground. His dust was spread out on the ground while his outfit just laid there.

With shaking slowly hands, you grabbed the jacket and started crying. Just then you let out a ground shaking cry.

"Hey, it's okay! You got this! Now you! C'mon go escape and see the real world!" You heard a bunch of voices say in determination.

As you looked up, you saw everyone, smiling and giving you thumbs up.

"C'mon (Y/n)! I believe in you!" Muffet said, crying as she wiped her tears away.

Everyone started cheering for you, making you feel determined as well. You then wiped you tears away as you ran forward. Out of the hall, and forward.

To the king.

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