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Landon Reilly

I didn't realize what I was hearing when the door opened at first, so my eyes stayed shut and my head lay comfortably on Wren's chest like it was a cushion just for me. It wasn't until the door shut and Kyle spoke that my brain had caught up to the fact that it was the next morning and my roommate had walked in on me cuddling with Wren.

"Oh wow," Kyle said, still standing in front of the door.

My eyes shot open and I picked my head up to look at him. He stood there with an amused expression, biting on the straw of his coffee cup with a grin. I wasn't as panicked as I thought I'd be. Kyle wasn't cruel, and Wren could always find a way to make any situation casual and calm.

I looked down at Wren, whose eyes were now open, then back at Kyle, unsure of what to say or do.

"Don't mind me," Kyle said, walking over to his side of the room. "Act like I'm not even here."

"You don't want us to do that, trust me," Wren replied, sitting up behind me. My face heated at his words, and I turned around to shoot him a lethal glare.

"What is wrong with you?" I asked.

Wren shrugged, grinning at me before placing a chaste kiss on my lips and getting up from the bed.

"Afraid I have to go or else my schedule is really going to be derailed," he said, making his way to the door. "Kyle, always a pleasure." And with that, he opened the door and left the room.

Kyle and I were silent for a moment, me watching the door and him watching me.

"I had a feeling there was something going on with you two," Kyle said after a few moments. I looked over at him with a blank expression. "There is something going on, right?"

"Something like that," I said with a sigh, getting up from the bed to go to the bathroom.

There was something going on with Wren and me, that was undeniable. He didn't say anything different when I told him I considered him to be more than a friend. There was no more denying it or trying to push each other away, on my end at least. It was exhausting trying to hold onto that hatred and that anger for him. If there was anything that going to therapy for the last few weeks had taught me it was that I needed to have a support system and I needed to let myself be happy, so that was what I was trying to do.

Would being with Wren really make me happy? That I was yet to find out. But being with him allowed me to be myself, my more authentic self. And I liked him more than I thought I ever would despite how he could be sometimes.

When I was finished in the bathroom, my phone started ringing, Micah's name popping up on the screen.

"Hello?" I answered, leaning up against the wall outside my room.

"Hey," Micah replied.

"What's up?" He was probably just going to chew me out for not calling him enough like he was my mother or something.

"I was thinking we could hang out this weekend," Micah said.

"I have hockey," I replied in confusion.

"I know," Micah laughed. "We're playing each other. I'm going to be in Providence on Saturday."

"Oh shit."

I hadn't even realized. My team would undoubtedly start watching game tape of the opposing team this week, but I never really thought much about who we were playing until then. I had a game during the week before we would play Boston College on Saturday.

"Yeah, so I was thinking I could stay Saturday night after the game and just catch the train back on Sunday," Micah said. "I assume you have Sunday off too right?"

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