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Wren Ridley

To: Lance
Come outside.

From: Lance
What the fuck
Are you at my house

To: Lance
Why else would I be telling you to come outside?

From: Lance

To: Lance
Do you have trouble spelling?

From: Lance
Go away
Stop texting me

To: Lance
So, is it safe to assume you don't need a ride back to school?

It was only a minute later that Landon stomped out of the front door of his house, his bag slung around his shoulder, glaring at my car with his hair hanging down in front of his eyes. He opened the door, threw his bag in the backseat, and got in before slamming the door shut and pulling his seatbelt on.

I knew he was going to be moody when I showed up at his house, and that was part of the reason why I did it. There was something so entertaining about how easy it was to rile Landon up. He reminded me of Fox in that sense, but then I looked at him with his face turned in a frown, his jaw clenched tightly and how that squared his jawline, and I wished I hadn't thought of my brother in that moment at all.

I was treading on dangerous territory with Landon, and I didn't know why I had even cared to see him so angry with me, why it made me want to see him all the more. It was sickening and wrong, yet I wouldn't let myself feel shame over it.

"How did you even know I'd still be home?" Landon grumbled, looking down with his arms crossed over this chest.

"Because I knew you'd be contemplating texting me all day because you really don't want to take the bus, and it seems like you don't want to ask the Hansons for help," I started, tapping my fingers against the steering wheel. "But you have too much pride to text me for a ride, so I made the decision for you while I was feeling generous."

Landon shook his head. "You're so fucking weird."

I shrugged. "Maybe, but you're desperate."

He glared at me as I shifted the car into drive and pulled away from the curb. My book playing softly was the only sound in the car. Landon must not have had the energy to make a big deal out of it, but I found it hard to concentrate on the words with him letting out sighs of annoyance every few seconds.

I paused the book without saying a word, but that only caused him to let out another sigh.

"Seriously?" he asked.


"We're going to sit in silence, again."

"I can't listen to my book with somebody making so much noise in the passenger seat," I told him. "I'm surprised you're not fogging up my windows with all your heavy breathing."

Landon gaped at me, then shut his mouth before opening it again to speak.

"You are insufferable," he said.

I let out an impressed hum. "I'm surprised you know that word."

"I'm surprised I got in this car with you again."

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