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Wren Ridley

Christmas was always full of traditions in the Ridley household. There was the matching pajamas, which seemed more ridiculous as the years went on, the pictures in front of the tree, which always took way too long because Dad couldn't get the timing on the camera right the first few tries, the breakfast, which always left us so stuffed for the entire day that we sometimes had to save Christmas dinner for the day after. But my favorite one as a kid was getting to open one gift on Christmas Eve.

When I told Landon about this when I picked him up from the Hansons's house, he got all nervous.

"Please don't tell me your parents bought be gifts," Landon rushed out from the passenger's seat.

His face was flushed and his lips were swollen from our tiny little make out session that just ended. He looked so cute like that, it made me want to kiss him again.

I shrugged. "A few things."

Landon groaned, hitting his head back on the headrest.

"Don't be grumpy, it's Christmas," I said, starting to drive away.

"I'm not being grumpy," he said in a grumpy tone. "I just don't want your parents spending money on me."

"Well, it's Christmas," I said. "It's the most capitalistic holiday of the year. Money will be spent."

Landon crossed his arms over his chest with a pout, which he didn't realize I found endearing.

I understood his aversion to people buying things for him. He didn't want to feel like a charity case, but what he failed to realize was that sometimes people just wanted to do nice things for other people. It was like he couldn't comprehend someone wanting to do something for him without expecting anything in return.

"Are you going to be mad if I tell you I bought you gifts?" I asked him.

He darted his eyes over to look at me.

"Gifts? As in multiple?" he asked.

I nodded. "A few."

"How many is a few?"

I shrugged, which only sparked his annoyance. He let out a deep breath and looked away from me.

"You're so annoying," he said. "Really, I don't know why I even like you."

I grinned at that. "You like when I annoy you, that's why."

Landon looked back at me and rolled his eyes, but he didn't deny my statement. He tried to hide it, but he did like when I annoyed him. He found it quite charming.

When we pulled up to the house, I could tell Landon was nervous. His posture was rigid, his jaw set tight. He wouldn't look at me, staring straight at the house.

"Fox isn't here yet," I told him. "He's spending some time at Elijah's before he comes home."


That didn't seem to make him feel any better. He still sat in the same position, now with his hands gripping the tops of his thighs.

I reached out and put one of my hands over his, causing Landon to turn his attention to me. His expression was so soft it made me want to pull him out of his seat and into my lap. I didn't do that, of course.

"You don't have to be nervous," I told him. "My parents already like you."

"I don't know how," he bitterly replied.

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