Chapter 6. Lost Hope

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I had no concept of time. With no windows, I had no way to tell how many days had passed since I had been kidnapped.

My mind was slipping away. Thoughts were becoming incoherent. Memories were starting to fade.

I was slowly losing myself, and the more of me that was lost, the more the monster inside of me took over.

The only thing able to keep me sane was my short visits with Eri. The little girl would come and sit near the door at my request and just talk to me.

Dabi hadn't come back since I met Eri. I suspected Overhaul must have found out he was giving me blood to keep up my strength.

"How are you feeling today?" Eri asked from her spot near the door.

"Not good. I-I'm so thirsty. It hurts." I winced. The burning in my throat was getting worse by the minute.

"Kai said they are going to start an experiment this evening. I wanted to warn you." Eri spoke softly. 

"T-thank you, Eri. I'm-I'm so sorry I wasn't able to get you out of here. Some hero I turned out to be. I can't even break through these chains. I'm weak." My head drooped in shame.

My arms had lost all feeling. My legs had too. I could only feel the burning in my throat. The unquenchable thirst that would drive me into madness and release the beast clawing its way out of me.

"You should go, Eri. I-I can't save you. I'm sorry." A broken sob escaped me.

Without a word, the little girl rose and left at my request, leaving me alone in the darkness.

Despair washed over me. I was a pathetic excuse for a hero. Even one in training. This was always my fate. I was born to be a monster.

There was no hope. There was no rescue this time. I was slipping away. There was no going back.

Goodbye Bakugou. I'm so sorry. A single tear rolled down my cheek.

The door suddenly swung open with a loud bang. Lights came on overhead. A weak hiss escaped my lips at the sudden brightness.

"Take her to the center. I'll be in the observation room momentarily." A vaguely familiar voice barked orders.

The scuffle of feet approached the bed. I was too weak to fight back. Another pathetic hiss passed my lips before I felt rough hands grabbing me and hoisting me off of the bed. My feet were still shackled, but it was relieving to have my arms droop by my side.

I stared up at the ceiling as I was carried through a maze of corridors. I tried to focus. Tried to remember how many turns we took, but my mind was hazy.

We were going deeper into the building. I could smell the mildew on the walls. The odor was making me nauseous.

I was placed in a dimly lit room with a dirt floor. There was a stake in the center of the room with a long chain attached. I was attached to the chain by my shackles.

Too weak to stand, I slumped on the ground, feeling the soft cold dirt on my cheek. The room was cold, but the burning inside of my throat kept me from freezing.

Thirsty. So thirsty. I need-I need blood.

No, I have to fight it.

"Send him in." A faint voice came from somewhere nearby.

A door opened, and a man stumbled into the room. I didn't recognize him. He fell into the dirt and groaned.

"Please, I've been loyal to you. Don't do this." He scurried back seeing me.

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