Chapter 19. Bonding Moment

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I was no closer to finding my parents killer than I was to figuring out why Dabi always managed to get me so flustered.

Standing in my new room in front of the fireplace, I sighed. Blue flames crackled at the wood and danced crating shadows on the floor in front of me.

I had unbuttoned my school shirt leaving it to hang open, and tossed my red tie on the sofa behind me. I shook my long dark hair in agitation.

How can two guys make me feel the same way? Is it the same? Both Bakugou and Dabi make me feel...things.

Not completely sure what the answer to that meant, I frowned and wrapped my arms around myself.

Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

The door creaked. I spun around with a hiss ready to attack when a familiar chuckle crossed the room.

"I always seem to find you in such... compromising clothes." Dabi chuckled giving my black lacy bra a pointed look.

Feeling heat creep into my cheeks, I folded my shirt closed and glared at him. A warning growl escaped my lips as he took a step closer to me.

"Don't be like that. You know you like me. You know your blood races everytime you think about me...and you do think about me." He hummed as he circled me like a vulture.

His hand reached out slipping his fingers through my hair like sand.

"What do you want Dabi?" I managed to ask through gritted teeth.

"For you to admit there's a spark between us." He leaned close from behind me. So close I could feel his breath on my cheek.

"W-what are you even talking about?" I managed to sound disgusted.

"I think you know exactly what I'm talking about." His voice was low and seductive. His hand had rested on my shoulder. He trailed said hand across my neck and collarbone with a featherlight touch.

My heart nearly lurched out of my chest at the sensual sensation. My body was hot, and not just because of his quirk. I was hot from the inside out. The heat collected between my clenched thighs as his hand trailed lower on my chest following the chain of my necklace. His fingers trailed down past the locket hanging over the valley between my breasts.

My eyes darted down to his hand skimming over the clasp on the front of my bra. One flick of his fingers and my breasts would be free for him to do as he pleases.

I have to stop him.

Why won't I move? Why am I not stopping him?

What is he doing to me?

Inhaling deeply through my nose my eyes fluttered closed briefly as a light chuckle tickled my ear.

"I knew you wanted me." He murmured.

As my mouth opened to speak the door swung open and a blue blast of fire was shot directly towards me.

On instinct I dove into the sofa out of the way. I stared up in horror as Dabi leapt back and seemed to melt.

My head whipped back to he door where Dabi was standing with a seriously peeved look on his face.

"What the hell?!" I wailed.

"Twice! Toga! Get your asses in here before I torch them!" He shouted. Stepping aside the two villains entered the room wearing guilty expressions.

"T-that was you?!" I leapt off of the sofa completely unabashed by my disheveled half nakedness.

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