Chapter 23. Secrets Revealed

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I watched Aizawa silently. He hadn't spoken since Alina's mother disappeared into the night. I lost track of her. It was as if she was a ghost that completely vanished. No foot prints, scent, trail, nothing.

After I returned I made sure to secure our still unconscious foes in the parlor. Aizawa sat in a chair near the fireplace we had lit to keep out the cold.

The shadows of fire danced across his haunted features. I sent Icy Hot and Deku tons of messages hoping at least one of them would get through, but I had yet to get a message in return. The mountains surrounding the valley were blocking out any possible signal.

"Look, if we are going to get out of this ice box I'm going to have to leave and find a decent signal. The others need to know what we've uncovered." I cleared my throat speaking to the back of Aizawa's head.

"Mhm." He grunted still unmoving.

I was trying to be patient with him. I didn't know how I'd react if I learned that the mother of my lost child and the love of my life was in fact alive.

If she's alive, maybe his brother is too? Humming to myself, a thought occurred to me.

Alina doesn't know her mother is alive. She doesn't know that Aizawa is actually her father. There's so much she needs sti know.

Maybe this time she'll stay and let me help her.

With a new determination I spun Aizawa around.

"I'm going to find a signal to contact the others. Can I rely on you to watch those two and keep an eye out for trouble?" I raised a brow.

"You know if you had said that to me a few months ago I would have suspended you. Now, now you're a real hero Bakugou. I'm proud." Aizawa turned to look at me.

His eyes were still haunted, however I could see he meant every word. He wasn't being a hero right now and he felt guilty about it, but it made sense. I don't know if I could act professional if I had seen the ghost of my love.

"Just stay put. I'll be back."

I left the grounds to search for a decent signal. I found one on a high hill top over looking a cemetery. It was eery, but I finally had enough bars to see I had tons of missed messages as well.

Icy Hot Bastard

We found her!

She's safe

For the most part.

Please reply when you receive these messages.

Deku Nerd

Hi Kacchan! Todoroki told me he messaged you but didn't get an answer.

Anyway! We found Alina!

Listen there's a lot going on that I think you need to hear but from her.

Oh!! I just got a ton of messages from you!

You're where?!?!

Baby 🌸

You're in Transylvania?!?

Why didn't you tell me? I should be there with you!

I scrolled down past some insults and the messages I sent her, until I found a text I was looking for.

Baby 🌸

I'm so sorry Bakugou.

I have a lot to explain to you, and I think we need to do that face to face.

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