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After a couple of days texting Yoshi I wake up to a ding and groan rubbing my eyes tiredly before sitting up and stretch a little then grab my phone and smile when I see a good morning message from Yoshi he inviting me to his and the group's practice today. I smile and hop out of bed then rush to find Rosé I bouncing on my heels. "Noona! Can you have someone take me to the company please? Yoshi invited me to watch his practice." She smiles and nods. "Sure go get dressed." I happily thank her then rush to my room digging through my closet looking through my clothes for awhile before choosing a brown sweater dress that stops at my knees with a jean jacket and black tights and black boots. I observe myself in the mirror with a smile and do a light makeup before brushing my teeth and comb my hair. I then grab my mini black backpack putting my phone and everything in it then rush to the living room with a smile. "I'm ready noona." She smiles and leads me to the van we chatting happily about things and I give her and the driver a quick thank you when we reach the company before hopping out of the car and skip into the building. Looking around happily I head to the front desk approaching a bored looking woman. "Um hello. Can you please tell me what floor and room treasure is practicing in?" She looks up from her phone only to raise an eyebrow at me and look me over. "Sorry we don't let freaks in." I immediately frown feeling a little hurt. "But they're expecting me. I even have a message from one of the members." She scoffs. "Sure. It's probably a fake message and I highly doubt one of the members would be associated with someone like you. People like you should see a therapist and learn to be a normal boy. Not someone who wears slutty clothing and stuff." Flinching slightly I try to hold the tears back. "It's not slutty....." she raises an eyebrow at me. "Well that outfit sure doesn't leave much to the imagination." Feeling insecure I try to pull my dress down a little further a little sniffle coming from me. "Go ahead and cry but I know for sure that no one would ever want to be seen with someone like you. So just do yourself a favor and go home." My head falls dejectedly and I turn around heading for the door when I hear someone calling my name. I turn my head back to see Yoshi running towards me and I quickly turn back around and rush to the front door tears streaming down my face. Just as I make my way to the front door my arm is gently grabbed. "Hey Rory I was calling you. Why were you running away?" I try to squirm away from him and try to say sternly only to wince when my voice cracks. "Just leave me alone." He pauses and gives me a concerned look. "Are you okay? What's wrong?" I finally shrug him off snapping a little. "Nothing just leave me alone and go to practice." I go to step outside when my arm is grabbed a little firmer and I'm being gently yanked back into the building towards the elevators. I squirm and try to pull my arm away but he's too strong he gently pushing me into the elevator before getting in himself and presses the close doors button I unable to get out before the doors close. Letting out a frustrated noise I kick the elevator a sharp yell coming from me. "Dammit! You should have just let me go home Yoshi!" He gives me a stern look. "No because you're upset about something and I wanna know why. What happened?" I give him a slight look. "I don't want to talk about it." He gives me a scary stern look making me gulp but I keep my head up stubbornly. Soon the elevator stops and opens up then my hand is grabbed I ending up being lead to an empty room where he closes and locks the door before turning to me. "You're not leaving until you tell me what's going on." We stand there staring at each other before I let out a frustrated sigh. "Fine. I went to see which floor and room you and your group were in and the receptionist wasn't very friendly. She said some hurtful things and it made me kinda upset." He immediately frowns. "What'd she say that made you so upset?" I shake my head looking down at my boots. "Come on Rory you can tell me." I shake my head again and toe at the floor a little with my boot when suddenly my chin is being lifted up and my eyes meet Yoshi's. "It might make you feel better if you talk about it." Realizing he won't let it go my body slumps in defeat and I immediately let it out. "She called me a freak and said that they don't allow freaks in. Then she said I needed to see a therapist to be a normal boy and pointed out that my clothes make me look slutty." I turn away from him feeling fresh tears start to fall quickly trying to wipe them away. "I'm sorry Rory. No one should be treated like that. And your clothes don't make you look slutty I promise. You look very nice and pretty." Letting out a little sniffle I cautiously turn around to look at him. "Really?" He nods giving me a reassuring smile and I see the honesty in his eyes I relaxing a little until suddenly Yoshi turns grabbing something out of his pocket then moves closer I noticing a brand new handkerchief in his hand he gently wiping away the tears and makeup on my face. I grimace when I see the ruined eyeliner and mascara on the once white handkerchief I immediately feeling bad. "I'm sorry. I probably look like a giant mess." He gives me a little chuckle. "I think it just makes you look like a raccoon. Now there that's a lot better. No more raccoon face." I gently slap his arm giving him a look he just letting out a laugh my heart skipping a beat for a second. He calms down and looks at me with a bright grin I giving a small smile back. "So do you feel better now that you talked about it?" I grumble but give a little nod. "Yeah I do actually. But I don't ever want to talk to or see that woman again." He gently reaches out taking my hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze. "When you come see us practice I'll meet you downstairs and we'll go back up together." I smile happily nodding. "Thank you Yoshi I really appreciate it." He shrugs and heads for the door unlocking it. "I just don't want to see you sad and upset. Now let's get to the practice room." I nod and follow him silently we entering the room together only to immediately be surrounded. We immediately get questions like "Where were you guys?" And "did you get lost?" Along with "were you guys making out?" I immediately blush bright red at the last question giving a quick "No! We were NOT making out. We were just talking about something and lost track of time." I hear a lot of disappointed sounds along with a few "boo you guys are so boring." Yoshi gives the boy who said it a slight look and thankfully Hyunsuk speaks up getting everyone's attention. "Alright guys let's get back to practice." I quickly leave Yoshi's side and head to the couch to watch I immediately getting absorbed especially by Yoshi's dancing. After an hour and a half of the boy's practicing Yoshi comes over and takes a seat beside me. "You guys are so amazing and your dancing is so awesome and cool! I wish I could dance." He gives me a curious look before suddenly giving me a bright smile. "Hey how about when I have some free time I teach you a few moves?" I immediately nod smiling happily. "Oh gosh Yoshi I'd really like that. Thank you!" I pull him into a hug immediately admiring his cologne but quickly let him go after a second looking a little embarrassed. "Sorry about that." He gives me a reassuring smile. "It's okay I don't mind." I let out a little relieved breath before checking my phone after it dings I seeing a message from Rosé telling me she's here to pick me up. I sigh and look at Yoshi sadly. "I gotta go. But will you text me later about dance lessons?" He nods smiling and I smile back giving him another quick hug before getting up and wish the other boys goodbye before heading downstairs and into the car with Rosé where we immediately head home I changing into pajamas and crash onto my bed before slowly dozing off.

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