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(Rory's Pov)

Hearing a knock on my door I immediately groan and snap in annoyance. "Go away noona!" Soon there's another knock on the door it more urgent this time making me grumble and I reluctantly get out of bed. I storm over to the door and fling it open with a glare growling angrily. "I said go away noona....." I slowly trail off staring in surprise and shock when I see Yoshi standing there I quickly rubbing my eyes and pinch myself. He gives me a small smile making me snap out of it and I quickly go to close the door but he stops me easily overpowering me and carefully forces his way in making me back up. "I can't talk to you now go away!" He gives me a slight look closing the door behind him and blocks it with his body. "I'm not leaving. Rosé noona told me what happened with manager hyung. I appreciate you looking after my career but I'm not letting you just disappear out of my life." I frown slightly. "But Yoshi your career is more important than me." He immediately gives me a look. "Don't say that. Yes my career is important but the people I love are just as important." My eyes widen slightly then I realize he probably meant it as a friendly love so I look down at my feet. "I'm pretty sure the others won't be as understanding if I'm the reason their career is ruined." He lifts my chin up with his finger giving me a stern look. "They'll understand I promise." I blush a little at how close his face is to mine and he chuckles softly murmuring softly. "Cute." I blush even more and try to pull away to hide but he wraps an arm around my waist gently. Whining I bury my face against his chest. "You're making me embarrassed!" He chuckles softly petting my hair before he stops and says softly. "Rory look at me." I shake my head no stubbornly and his voice turns pleading. "Rory please." I sigh but slowly pull away and look up at him he smiling down at me I immediately getting lost in his eyes. He then starts leaning closer I feeling butterflies in my stomach when his lips are suddenly on mine. I make a soft noise of surprise before melting and kiss him back happily. The kiss is kept soft and sweet until we pull away to breathe I immediately giving him a shy smile he smiling down at me. "How about we lay down because I don't know about you but I haven't slept well." I nod in agreement and lead him over to my bed where we shyly climb in together and I snuggle close to him laying my head on his chest his arms around my waist. We stay like that before I ask anxiously. "What about your manager?" He looks down at me smiling reassuringly. "I'll take care of it I promise. Now get some sleep." I sigh a little but slowly fall asleep gently clinging to him a little happy and relieved that he's by my side again and that hopefully everything will work out.


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