A New Flame Now Burns

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Redson x Flame!Hasira!Reader
Requested by Mama-IsabellaTPN

(Small note: I gonna use him/him pronouns because this book dosen't really have that many guy Y/Ns. Don't be mad at me please)

Traveling through a thick forest wasn't easy. The tree leaves were so clumped together that no one could tell if it was day or night, brushes as large as a human, vines thick as dangling over the overgrown path. And within the forest stood a Forrest owned and maintained by a demon with flames as his powers. Many how knew about him can recollect his names. "The demon of flame" "Red boy" "The angered bull" and most commonly "Redson".

Traveling this his very forest and to his fortress was a member of the Demon Slayer Core, a Hashira known as Y/N. As much as he didn't want to he had to go and either gain information of Redson or, come to it, End Redson's 'immortal' life. Cutting through vines and thick branches Y/N made a way for him to leave and so allies can travel to the fortress if their needed. "Okay. Y/N, your job here is to spy on him for a little. Nothing else." Y/N reminded himself, cutting through the final series of vines and revealing the courtyard of the 'Red Fortress'.

"Okay. Just get inside and see if he eats humans. If he does, then there is no choice but to kill him." Y/N's monologue playing in his head and he made his way to a window. "But if he doesn't then he is lives and I could..." Y/N continued, feeling his cheeks rise with heat. Hitting himself in the head, he reminded himself to not let his emotions get in the way of his job. Quickly and quietly unlocking a upper floored window.

When he entered, he was standing in a training area within the fortress. "Wow. Guess I got lucky with that window." Y/N mumbled, looking around the environment he was in. Then he grabbed onto his blade's hilt. Surrounding him were 50 identical sets of eyes. Prepped to fight he held his grip and slowly took a breath. Leading from the shadow, the eyes were apart of what appeared to be demon bulls. Unsheithing his sword, he swung at the 5 bulls that went at him at once, his blade sparking into a flame and cutting of their heads. "Wait, gears? What are these?" Y/N Pondered, swinging his sword again and cutting off the head of 10 more of those bulls.

I took a few minutes, but all 50 were disabled. "What are you things?" Y/N muttered, stepping carefully across spaces between the bulls' 'corpses' and out of the training area. Closing the door he resheiths his sword and turned, only to be greeted by the very demon he was supposed to get Intel on. "Well, that was impressive. But next time make sure I don't see one of your Core's crows flying over my home." Redson stated, staring down Y/N, his voice making Y/N freezing in place. Y/N couldn't move, his hands letting go of his blade, and his mind and heart raced. "Holy..." Y/N silently said. Staring at Redson, Y/N couldn't speak out loud. His Long Red hair, his big and coal black horns and hooves, his glowing green eyes, and his long, glorious tail made Y/N mind to overload. "Umm...This is getting awkward. Are you alright-?" Redson asked. Yet he couldn't finish his question due to Y/N falling forward. "WOAH! Okay...so this hashira just passed out..." Redson muttered, readjusting his hold of Y/N into more of a bridal style. "...I guess I'll ask you why your here later..." Redson concluded, walking down the hall to a different room.

Slowly opening his eyes Y/N found himself in a cozy bed, warm and comfortable to be in. "Where...am I...?" He mumbled, sitting up from his laying position. Rubbing his eye, clearing his vision and feeling around his belt he realized that his sword and very precious hoari were gone. Visible panic set onto his face as he quickly got out of the bed. Yet he was still enabled to get his belongings back as fast as he could, for more of the gear filled bull walked up to him and extorted him out of the room. "What the hell-?!" Y/N shouted in his head.

Partially forced, he was brought to a dinning hall. And he was set in a seat, a crossed from Redson. "Glad to see that your not passed out dear Demon Slayer." Redson greeted, Small giggle of nervousness being received as a response. "So, did you come here to kill me? Cause if so, that'll be a difficult task."Redson asked, catching Y/N of guard. "Especially with my powers and my Creation at my disposal." Redson explained, a smug smile painted on his face. A smile that melted Y/N's heart. "N-No. I was sent here to gather some information about you. Namely your diet..." Y/N answer, averting his eyes away from Redson's. Noticing this, Redson swiftly stood at Y/N side and lift his face with his hand. Gasping, Y/N froze once again and he stared into Redson's eyes. Redson then leaned down and whispered "Well, I haven't eaten a single human. If I did then you'd be dead by now dear." Into Y/N's ear. And then he backed away and just as fast as before, sat back in his seat. Y/N gripped his chest, his heartbeat constantly skipping beats. The sound of snapping brought Y/N back into reality and next to him was his belongings. "If that's all, then you may leave my fortress." Redson stated, his expression presented a form of sorrow. Sighing Y/N gathered as much courage as he could and walked to Redson's side. Place his hand on Redson's, he stated "...That not all I'm here for...". Caught of guard, Redson flinched as Y/N looked at him with a softened expression. "...I heard Stories about you, and...I...I may have...fallen for you." Y/N confessed, his face growing more red with each word. Redson felt a warmth growing throughout his own face. He had fallen for the very demon slayer that had just confessed how he felt. Then without hesitation stood and pulled Y/N close. Then slowly lift Y/N's chin so their lips were Leveled, then they were locked in place.

And so a new flame was sparked that day, a passionate and caring relationship between a Flame Demon and Hashira.

(Another note: GOD, MY CHEST HURTS FROM MY SKIPPING HEARTBEAT OMFG!! Also, I hope you enjoyed reading as i had writing it :D )

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