Incouters within a lobby

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Redson x Male!Reader
Requested by 1232donnie0806
[Waring: there is a Karen]

"Come on, just a little more..." Y/N pleaded reaching for somethings on his closest shelf. "Just a little...Got it!" Y/N celebrated, managing to grab a box off from it. Opening the box a pair of (f/c) roller skates were in good condition. Smiling, Y/N recloses the box and puts it in his duffle bag. "This date is gonna be fun." Y/N whispered, leaving his apartment and giggling like a idiot.

Walking down the apartment building's stair case, Y/N was texting his boyfriend who he saved as "Redson" just notifying Red that he was almost outside. Seeing Redson's repile made Y/N smile, Red was picking him up from his aprtment building. Reaching the ground floor, Y/N saw his neighbour...well the one that hated him. "Oh god it's her..." Y/N groaned, pinching his eyebrows knowing what she was going to say.

Y/N attempted to just pass her when Redson texted his that he was there. But she noticed his anyway and yelled at him...again. "God dang it. Karen leave me alone." Y/N groaned, turning his back to her. Then Karen grabbed Y/N (H/C) hair and continued to yell at him. "Okay a-hole, that's it." Y/N mumbled and glaring at her. "LOOK. I'm not looking to get into a fight today..." He stated, smacking Karen's hand away. " please, LEAVE ME ALONE." He yelled, his glare pricing her soul. But she didn't and yelled at him more.

Meanwhile with Redson, he was waiting in his car. And he was growing more worried by the minute. " he okay?" Redson questioned, removed his keys and leaving his car. Walking into the building he heard and saw Y/N and a woman yelling at each other. "Oh...that's the woman that bothers him?" Redson acknowledged. Then he was the woman raise her hand. "HEY!!" Redson screamed, running up to her and granting her wrist. "Don't you dare touch him." He scolded. Burning her wrist, he got the woman to leave. Then he hold Y/N's hand and lead him out the building.

"My goodness...I'm so sorry about her Red." Y/N mumble. "Dear, It's no massive deal. Besides, helping you matter a lot to mean." Redson stated, smiling at his love. "Okay, then let's go to the roller skating rink, right Honey?" Y/N sang, smile plastered on his face. "Yeah, let's go." Redson responded, letting Y/N into the passenger seat of his car, then driving away from The building.

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