CH5; "LO'AK!"

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Time Check; 10:06am Feb 10


It was now morning. Lo'ak was still getting reminded by his father that he could've gotten killed because he just found out that Payakan was a 'killer' Tulkun. Lo'ak got annoyed and ran off to the docks to get on his ilu.

Neteyam followed him to the docks, he stopped him before he can get on his ilu.
"where are you going baby brother?" Neteyam held his wrist. "none of your business bro!" Lo'ak made Neteyam let go of him and tried to go on his ilu but Neteyam stopped him again.

"You got to keep your skxawng ass here!" they both got into a small argument.

"he is my brother!"
"oh, he is your brother?"

Neteyam put his hand on Lo'aks head.

"no, i am your brother. why do you always have to make things so hard?"
"no. i-"

Lo'ak looked at the village for a second and looked back at Neteyam with an angry expression.

"i mean why cant i be the perfect son like you?"

Lo'ak slapped his arm away from his head, Neteyam got mad but as soon as he was about to say something Lo'ak was already off to go beyond the reef.


Neteyam angrily walked back to the village and was already ready to punch someone. but he thought about what Lo'ak said earlier and teared up.

he went somewhere he thought no one knew but only 2 people did. he was in his secret spot for a while then he saw Tuk and Ao'nung approaching.

"Teyam?" Tuk sat down next to him, so did Aonung. Neteyam didnt say a word and covered his face from the two. they both stayed with him throughout half an hour.

The 3 finally went back and Jake was standing there, waiting for Neteyam with Lo'ak and Tsireya next to him. "Tuk, go to mama."

Tuk ran to Neytiri , Aonung and Neteyam approached Jake. "yes, sir?" Neteyam looked at the sand. "Tonowari is waiting. go with lo'ak and tsireya."

the 4 of them went to where Tonowari lived, "you allow this, you allowed this boy bond with the outcast!" Ronal yelled and scolded them. Tonowari looked at Tsireya who already looked sad and scared. "..Tsireya." Tsireya looked up at Tonowari with her ears down and was tearing up.

"you disappoint me, daughter."

Tsireya got even more sad , since this was her first time disappointing her father. Tonowari was hurt to say that to her since Tsireya was a papas girl. (hc)

Jake and Neytiri came. they found out that Lo'ak Bonded with a Tulkun outcast. After being scolded by Tonowari Jake and Neytiri dragged Neteyam and Lo'ak away. leaving Aonung and Tsireya.

Lo'ak and Neteyam got scolded again. but this time this scolding was short, after it Neteyam just stayed in the corner, or if theres even any corner💀?? he just stayed there not moving, not even gonna move to look around or look at anyone

Lo'ak just stayed near the water. near his ilu. Tuk didnt like seeing Neteyam and Lo'ak sad, she tried cheering up Neteyam first but he refused to move or speak a word. after Neteyam she then tried cheering up lo'ak, but he was gone again. Aonung, Neteyam, Tsireya, Rotxo, Kiri and Tuk got on their ilus to search for him.



Time Check; 10:48am Feb 10

"i see you." || (Aonung x Neteyam)Where stories live. Discover now