1. The unfortunate event

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Trrringgg!!... trrring!.. trrring!..*(the sound of the alarm clock)


(*yawn*) "Ngh!!..yaa..." I said while stretching my body..(*Crack!*)... "AHH..!!, damn it..! my back... I think it's broken... (*sobs*)"

《*"I really need to do some exercising... (*pout*) ... my beautiful back.."*

"Hm?... I guess it's already morning, huh?" I said while looking outside in my window then getting up in my bed.

"Okay, what should I do tod-, aw! My head hurts..! maybe it's because I haven't been getting enough sleep this past few days, darn it."

《*"I blame all of this to this stupid projects that I've been working on, and that stupid teacher of mine is really ticking me off, she always say "if you can't pass those projects that I've been giving to you...you already know what will happen!" Then she will smile like a devil in front of me, it feels like she's a villain in my life and I have a feeling that she hates me."*

Well I don't know what her problem is, and I can prove to you that I'm a good student and all I did was the right thing, like the time I saved everyone from the fire or from a poisonous worms from the flower vase of the principal.


I throw the vase out of the window, well I didn't do it on purpose... it was the time that I somehow went in the library to get a book when I saw Mr. Principal's flower vase near the window... it's just that I saw so much worms on it and I think 🤔 that those worms are not an ordinary worms, cause I read it in a book that the worms with a thin, brown skin and with the look of smoothness of its body are poisonous... so I throw the vase outside the window.

Actually, I didn't know that I wasn't alone that time... there's this one student who saw me throwing the vase outside of the window.. I looked at his direction and he suddenly run away..

Then the next few minutes... my friends tenma, hibiki, hinata, chiyo and I we're just hanging and talking inside our classroom. The total of 5 coolest students in this school with 2 girls, chiyo and I and three boys, hinata, hibiki, and tenma, yup... you hear me we are the 5 coolest students here.

"Is haru Watanabe here?"

"Hey, haru someone's looking for you." My friend tenma said.

"Hm?" I looked to where the person who is looking for me, turns out it's one of my classmates, and it's the so called president in this school.

"Oh, its you Ms. President... do you have some business with me?" I said waving my hands.

"Well, not really... but the principal wants to see you, did you do something stupid again this time?" She said approaching in our direction.

The irk mark (💢) grow in the side of my face.

"(*💢*) What do you mean by 'did you do something stupid again this time?' Did you really think that all I did in this school is to do something stupid?" I asked her with a glare in my face.

"Yes" She said, I gasped and glared at her. "it's so obvious that... your gang... (she pointed her finger on me and my friends.) ...is the most annoying and the most troublemakers here in this school." My friends and I glared at her.

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