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             Jennette awoke in her bed, the shining sun glaring in her eyes, "ow!" she gasped, quickly covering her eye. Jennette through on a dress, it was appropriate, a white long sleeve and a green skirt, she read the clock, "11 AM..." she muttered, she could stand to walk around after breakfast. Tho, she'd have to ask for permission. As breakfast was getting served, she asked the servant if she could walk around, "I will have to check with Mr. Lant," she said, "okay," Jennette nodded.
"Miss Jennette," the maid knocks, "ah, yes Sophie?" Jennette asks as she opens the door, "you're allowed to walk around, however the duke gave you 15 minutes til you go back to your room. I will be accompanying you to assure you dont get lost and make it to your room on time," she said, "yes! Thank you!" Jennette exclaimed, hurrying out of the room.

Jennette walked around the household, it was far bigger than the Alpheus household that was for sure. "Um...Sophie? Am I allowed in the garden?" Jennette turned to the maid, "yes, however you're not to pluck anything from it," she said, "yes!" Jennette smiled, gracefully walking towards the bed of roses. The roses were beautiful, even in such a scary place, they show their shimmering petals without a care in the world, would Jennette be like that someday? Who knows.

         Jeremy, on the other hand was pissed, that stupid toy, the stupid servants all of them were getting on his nerves lately, especially that stupid tutor, she was quite annoying. He stopped when he saw the tutor in the rose garden, 'what is she doing here?' he asks himself, did she have a death wish? What was her name again? Jenna? He didn't care, "hey!" he yelled, Jennette flinched, "hello, young master," she turned, "what are you doing here? Roaming around the Agriche household like its nothing," he spat, "n-not at all! I got permission! Do believe me," she said, it was quite amusing, watching her reactions, eyes widening, almost tearing up. "Miss Jennette, your 15 minutes is up," the servant behind her said, "already? Alright then, I will see you at your lessons, young master," she said, curtsying and walking away with the servant. Jeremy had to admit, she did look rather pretty, wait, what was he thinking!? "Oh? Do you perhaps have a crush?" Roxanna crept behind him, "no way!" He jumped up.

Jennette was walking to the tutoring room when she bumped into someone, "ah! Apologies!" She said, hastily standing up and picking him up. "No worries, miss," he said, she walked passed him, ' magic....?' He thought, looking back at her, shocked.

Jennette was met with silence, "now now you two, why don't you start with treating Jennette?" Roxanna asked, glancing at both of them, "you'll show both me and her what you learned yesterday...." She muttered. The two groaned, but they greeted Jennette:

"Greetings, Miss Jennette," they said, "lovely!" Jennette sang, clapping her hands. "Let's get started, shall we?" She asked, gesturing them to sit down.

"Let's start with the standard, a man shall not go into a ladies dressing room at a ball,"

"It is necessary that you know what class you're in,"

This lesson went on for an hour.

"Good job my lady and young master," she praised, "say Jennette, you and Jeremy are around the same age, how about you two spend time together? After all, you will be staying here for a while you should get to know him, of course, if you'd like, I can join," she said, "that'd be my pleasure! Tho it is up to the young master," she smiled, "what do you say, Jeremy?" Roxanna glanced at him, "if that's what you want," he murmured, "great! I'll meet you both at 3 for tea in the rose garden," she smiled, "yes ma'am," Jennette smiled, exiting the room.

There was a problem, Jennette Margarita had no idea where they would be meeting. "Uh....hmm...there's no servants around here.....should I....should I look for them?" Jennette asks herself, the answer was yes, she did look for them. Jennette got lost and ended up in a whole different garden, 'why are my senses of direction horrible?!' She cried to herself. "Oh my? Well aren't you supposed to be a tutor? What brings you here..?" A scary, female voice said behind her, "Kya!" She yelped, falling back as she turned around.

?" A scary, female voice said behind her, "Kya!" She yelped, falling back as she turned around

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