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CHAPTER 6: Bonding

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CHAPTER 6: Bonding

Jennette went back to the building Roxanna and Jeremy were last at.
'What is happening with me? I've only been here for a short while...' Jennette thought, nervously.
           "Hey! Jennie! Quit zoning out, will ya?!" Jeremy yelled, waving a hand in her face. "Jennie..?" She muttered. Was it a nickname? Maybe he couldn't remember it...
"Young Master, my name is Jennette-"
"yeah yeah!" He said, waving his hand around. The two followed Roxanna like two puppies, when suddenly, she came to a stop.
"You two, stay here. I have business to take care of," she smiled. Jeremy looked at her, wide eyed. As if saying: "don't you dare leave me with this brat!" Which he was.

Roxanna left the two together. Alone. Jennette couldn't take the silence.
" there anywhere you want to go, young master?" She asked. Jeremy huffed. Jennette looked around and saw a dessert shop. "Goodness! Young Master, we should take a look over there!" She gasped, pointing at the store. Jeremy nodded and dragged his feet toward it.

Jennette immediately looked at the menu when she got inside. She was about to check her pocket for a wallet, but it wasn't there.
'Don't tell me I left my wallet!! I can't possibly make the young master pay for me.' She cried to herself. Jeremy saw Jennette was in distress.
'...She's been eyeing that cake for a while...she probably didn't bring any money. Roxie did drag her out.' He thought. Jeremy stepped up and placed a hand on her shoulder. "I'll get you what you want," he said, glancing at the cake Jennette was eyeing.
"Oh! Thank you, young master." She smiled, making Jeremy's heart thump.
The two stepped up to the counter.
"May I have this chocolate cake, please?" Jennette asked, pointing at the appetizing pastry.
"Do you want anything, sir?" She asked.
"I'll get rose tea." He said. The woman nodded and brought the two to a table.

Jennette stiffened due to the awkward tension.
"So, young master. Are you close with your sister?" She asked.
"Hm? Yes, me and Roxie are close." He said, staring blankly at her.
"The town is quite busy, huh? It reminds me of Obelia." Jennette chuckled, nervously.
"It's an ocean away. Very beautiful place." She said.
"Do you have any siblings...?" Jeremy muttered.
"What's that? Ah, no I don't. I suppose you could count my cousin, Ijekiel as one." She laughed.
"Did you two get along well?" He asked, paying more attention to the conversation. Jennette was shocked, he seemed nonchalant about all of this til now.
"Well, we weren't very close. He was always off at the academy. And I haven't even met my sister or father at the time," she said, softly.
'Isolated?' Jeremy asked himself. He stared at the girl for a while, he swore she was shining.

            The woman placed down the plate of cake, and the cup of tea. "Would you like some, young master?" She asked, pushing the plate towards him. Jeremy looked at her and took a little slice. Jennette looked at Jeremy for a while. 'Princess Athanasia often complimented me....perhaps I should do it for the young master?' She asked herself.
"Young Master, has anyone told you you're very handsome?" She asked, tilting her head.
Jeremy turned red. "H-huh!? D-do you go around saying that now!?" He squealed. He turned away. He was as red as a beet. Sure he'd been complimented before, but it coming from her made his heart feel funny.
"The princess always complimented me. It felt nice so I wanted to share that with you." Jennette said, innocently.
Jeremy sighed and tried to get his racing heart to calm down.

Jeremy and Jennette walked around stalls together. 'Goodness, those stuffed animals look rather cute!' She thought, admiring them from afar. Jennette recalled what the duke said however.. "Jennette..aren't you too old to have those kinds of stuff?" . Jennette sighed and dragged her feet, following Jeremy.
Jeremy wasn't an idiot. Of course he knew Jennette wanted a stuffed animal. He knew she was eyeing that bunny. So when he had the chance, he bought the bunny.
'Will she like it...?' He asked himself. Jeremy offered the stuffed animal to Jennette. Jennette gasped.
"For me?" She asked, pointing to herself. Jeremy huffed and nodded his head aggressively. "Thank you!" Jennette exclaimed, taking Jeremy into a hug.
"H-hey!" Jeremy yelled. Jennette immediately apologized...however she didn't see how red Jeremy got.

A few hours later, the trio reunited. In the carriage, Roxanna watched as Jennette leaned on Jeremy's shoulder. 'How cute, they've been bonding...' she chuckled. A slight pink hue could be seen on Jeremy's face that night.

 A slight pink hue could be seen on Jeremy's face that night

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A/N: OMFG IM SO SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED. Tbh....I have no explanation other than the fact schools been keeping me busy, vball has me busier, procrastination, and HONKAI FARTING STAR RAIL.. please accept my humble apology 🥺🥺🥺(THE EMOJI US SATIRE PLSPSSL)  in all seriousness I'm rlly sorry pls don't die guys!!!

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