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(Takes Place When Jennette Stays At The Palace)

(Takes Place When Jennette Stays At The Palace)

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   "A tutor...?" Jennette asks her "father", 'but I had just arrived, father,' she thought, disappointedly, "yes, I don't know of anyone else who should," Claude sighs, staring through the girl. The girl, wanting to please her "father" obliged. "Good, you will be departing tomorrow," Claude says, going back to his paperwork, "yes, your highness," she bowed.

           Jennette once tried to call the emperor her father, but when she did, she was met with an icy glare, 'that's just how father is, I'm sure he'll warm up to me!' She thought, trying to think positively. Jennette stared at the garden, apparently, it was made just for princess Athanasia, it was so delightful to hear how her father treated her sister. At t this thought, however, Jennette saddened, she felt a bit out of place in this palace, and her own fathers letting her go to an unknown country two days after her arrival?  Jennette sighed and looked out, the scents of the roses were so strong she could smell it even within the palace, the sky looked as if it were shimmering like light sapphire gems, and how the sun hit the garden, the lighting was just so wonderful. She made her way to her room and started packing her things.


A music box from Ijekiel

The bow that Athanasia insisted she kept


And most importantly.....

A portrait of her, and just her.

      Jennette had always wondered why she was in no one's photos. Ijekiel and uncle had one together, Athanasia and Father had one together, but she only had her and herself in one photo, it was as if she didn't belong anywhere, 'no Jennette! Don't think like that, they're your family, they'd never do that to you,' she shook her head, she had always tried keeping positive, but the negative thoughts were just engraved in her mind. By the time Jennette was done thinking and reminiscing about things, the sky was already painted sunset, 'ah, dinner should be arriving soon,' she thought, she knew that the emperor and Athanasia always ate together, but she never questioned why she couldn't join, she always assumed it was because they had to get used to her.

"Princess Jennette, it's about time you start getting ready to leave," her maid, Sarah, said, opening the curtains, Jennette blinked her eyes open the sun was bright and she was about to go on her first boat ride! "Yes..." she muttered, stretching her arms. After preparation, she went outside the palace, she looked around, "uh...Sarah? Is his highness and princess Athanasia not gonna bud me farewell?" she asked, Sarah nods her head, "no, unfortunately not, his highness is busy and the princess is not awake," she said, "ah...I see," she said, sadly. Jennette was headed into the carriage and while on the ride, she could see the docs, the glistening ocean and the big boat she was gonna board, "woah..." she muttered, surprised, she was so giddy.
Jennette felt sick as soon as the boat started sailing, 'never....have I felt so sick,' she thought, holding her mouth. She had to go to the lady's room, but she couldn't ask no, she had to find it herself, it wouldn't be very noble like to say: "pardon me, do you know where the lady's room is?" Now would it?! After silently puking, Jennette went out to catch some air. It would take about a day to get there, Obelia was out of view now and all she could see is blue ocean. Little did she know, a figure approached behind her.


        "HEY! Lovely view am I right?" A friendly voice exclaimed, Jennette jumped, "Kya! Y-yes! Very nice!" she laughed, calming her heart down, "my names Damian! What might your name be?" He asks, offering his hand, "J-Jennette, ahem, Jennette Margarita," she said, straightening herself out. "Jennette! How lovely! Sounds just like a name a bird would sing..." he smiled, Jennette blushed at this comment, "thank you," she said, bashfully, "oh it's nothing, I have never seen such a beautiful lady," he smiled, bringing her hand to her lips, "a-ah! Thank you!" She once again said. Suddenly, a bell rang, it was time to eat, "well, you should go have supper now, I'll watch the ocean even more..." he smiled, bidding a farewell to her, "yes, thank you, sir Damian," she said, walking inside. As she left, Damian smirked, "Jennette Margarita huh?....she seems so....-" his sentence was ran over by a worker yelling: "supper time!"

That night, Jennette laid awake, she hoped the family she worked for wasn't mean to her. She didn't wanna think about this right now, it'd make her nervous tomorrow, Jennette dozed off to sleep, while a strange figure watched her.

In the morning, Jennette arrived at her destination, she got off the boat and as she was about to enter the carriage, she looked back and saw Damian waving at her, she smiled and waved back. On the way, it seemed like a forest, well yes since they weren't near the main kingdom yet. Jennette started getting anxious, what if they didn't like her? What if she couldn't do her job? What if they were mean to her?

Jennette finally arrived at the house of Agriche, she took a deep breath in, she stepped out and was greeted by who she assumed was Lant Agriche, "greetings, sir Agriche," she curtsied, she was so nervous, almost shaking really, "hello, Jennette Margarita," he bowed. This was it, Jennette started her job as a tutor.

A/N: yayyy!! New books out! If you've read my book Gentle Soul, welcome, I'm glad you liked that story enough to come for my rewrite! Anyways, I have no idea where Agriche is located, nor do I know what the status of Lant Agriche is 😭 not sure if...

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A/N: yayyy!! New books out! If you've read my book Gentle Soul, welcome, I'm glad you liked that story enough to come for my rewrite! Anyways, I have no idea where Agriche is located, nor do I know what the status of Lant Agriche is 😭 not sure if I should put duke or not but yk, please tell me! And as always, tysm for reading the first chapter!

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