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"Well I'm going to go do... something, anyone interested in coming with" Harry announced standing up and wiping his hands on his pants, wiping off imaginary dust. 

"I assume your going to be dissecting Weasley now then?" Draco opened the compartment door 

"You bet, no one coming?" 

"yeah, no" Theo replied waving goodbye 

"eh, suit yourselves I'll be back in around an hour" Harry walked out and across the narrow train hallway, which was very empty. He opened the door and slipped in seeing a decomposing Ronald Weasley. He had already decided what to do with him so he set to quick work chopping him up and placing the pieces he needed in a trash bag, and casting a spell over it to disguise the stench. He then cracked open the window and tossed the remaining parts out of the window. People probably saw a mangled body fly past their window, but Harry really didn't care.  

He walked back into his compartment bag in tow. 

"Is that..." Theo made a gesture with his hands. 

Harry nodded and placed the bag on the luggage rack. 

"What are you going to do with that" Pansy asked, almost fearing the answer. 

"Well I was thinking, transfigure certain body parts into jewelry for his family, and bake the rest into a nice cherry pie" Harry smirked sitting down casually

Blaise looked at Harry as if he was some kind of psychopath, which too be fair he could be at times. 

The rest of the train ride passed by quickly and soon they were at the station. Harry spotted Sirius out of the window, in dog form, typical, and a very annoyed looking Remus talking the Molly Weasley. 

Harry smirked a bit and grabbed his trunk and bag with body parts. Together the group made their way over, seeing as their parents were also hovering around nearby. 

Harry knelt down next to doggy Sirius and said his hello's glaring harshly at Molly Weasley. 

When she finally left to collect her children Harry greeted Remus also, Sirius turned back to human and shrunk Harry and Theo's trunks, and Harry's flesh bag, sending them back to the manor via house elf. 

They stayed talking a bit to the other parents until Harry saw Theo's father looking unusually annoyed. 

Harry motioned something to Sirius who started creating a commotion by casting spells at some random families. 

Harry krept over to Theo's father and quickly and quietly put a bag over his head, before he procured a bat, where the hell did he get that from, and knocked him out. He didn't even have time to struggle before he was out cold. 

Harry dragged the man with him, and they said their goodbye's before apparating to the manor quickly. 

Harry and Theo ventured down to the dungeon, Theo had never been down there before never really needing to. 

Harry tossed the older Nott into a cell and took his wand from his pocket. He locked the cell and left again with Theo who looked relieved. 

Sirius looked at Harry questioningly and Harry nodded slightly handing him the wand. 

Harry left again leaving the three with an inkling of an idea as to where he was going. The dungeons. 

"well hello mr Nott" Harry said legs kicked up on the table from his seat on a chair. Why they were in the dungeon? Harry didn't know. 

"you." the Nott lord seethed 

"Oh yes, me" Harry smiled evilly. 

"I suppose you simply needed to be punished for your actions." Harry got up off the chair allowing black smoke to enter his cell. 

"what are you doing" Theo's father asked crawling back a bit. 

"Something, don't disturb me you idiot." Harry muttered his eyes flashing dangerously 

Choking sounds came from within the cell and pained screams followed. Crying and begging came from the Nott father, but Harry only kept the black smoke steady. 

When Theo wandered down with Sirius they heard this and saw Harry standing stock still directing the smoke around in his cell. 

Theo came and stood next to Harry and Sirius stood on the other side. 

"you can stop now pup, it's time for dinner" Sirius said over Nott's cries and begs. 

Harry slowly let the black smoke fade out, and they saw Nott curled in a ball crying and begging for mercy twitching every now and then. Harry smiled darkly and made his way upstairs, Remus saw the look in his eyes and shook his head a bit. He had quite the grudge against Theo's father then. 

"What did you do to him cub?" Remus asked when they were eating dinner. 

"Nothing he didn't deserve" Harry shrugged a bit taking a bite of food. Remus shook his head and amused smile crossing his face.  

When dinner was done Harry headed upstairs with Theo. The warm summer night was nearing sunset, so the two climbed out onto the roof and sat down on a blanket watching the sun set. 

"What did you actually do to my father?" Theo asked leaning against Harry 

"since I have death magic, technically where dementor magic stems from, I simply made him feel pain, amounting to about the same as Crucio while reliving his worst nightmares. I'm surprised he didn't pass out honestly, the Hufflepuff I tested it one sure did" 

Theo said nothing more but pressed a sweet kiss to Harry's lips. Harry smiled a bit and wrapped Theo in a side hug. When the sun had finally set fully the two went back inside again, hopping off the roof and landing on the balcony outside of Harry's room. Harry slid the door open and the two went in and to sleep quickly. They were going to apparate to the summer house tomorrow, and Sirius stuck his head in to remind them to bring swimming suits, but stopped when he saw them cuddled up on bed. 

Sirius hurried off to get Remus who took one look at them and groaned before handing Sirius a galleon. 

A/N I had something really good I was going to write here but idek know what I was going to write anymore so uhh  

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