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The group were currently going to Grimmauld place, Sirius childhood home, for their short stay in London until the school year started in a week. 

The first thing Sirius arrived was that he slashed Walburga's portrait so she couldn't yell at them. 

Harry was going to take a walk with Asmodeus in the early morning. It was foggy and cloudy outside, so Harry made sure to cast impervious on his glasses. 

Asmodeus was wrapped around Harry's torso head sticking up beside his making comments about people they walked past. 

"Wow he was really ugly" 

"You should murder him Harry, he looked at me weird" 

"Some little kid was scared of me" 

"Hiss hiss child be scared to go cry to your mommy" 

Harry stood out with this either rolling his eyes or smiling a bit in amusement when he said these things. 

Harry strolled into a children's park. Being that it was early he wasn't expecting any kids to be there. They were usually scared of him. However there were a few kids who looked tired but happy to be there playing with each other. 

Harry strolled right past getting stares from parents and children alike. 

Harry was almost past the park about to enter a bushy path when he heard something. 

A child who was slightly obese was bullying another smaller child. Harry's mind immediately went to Dudley and approached calmly. 

"You shouldn't bully other people yknow" Harry said quietly. The little boy looked up frightened and cowered back when he saw a teenage boy with a scar on his face and a huge snake. 

Asmodeus had grown quite a bit now at about 7 feet long. 

He hissed a bit and Harry frowned at the child. 

"Go back to your parents" he told the child who couldn't get away fast enough. 

"Are you alright?" Harry asked the smaller boy softly. 

The boy sniffled a bit and nodded wiping away his tears quickly. 

"Yes, thank you" he said a bit nasally 

"Wont let some spoiled mommy's boy get to you, will you?" Harry put his hand on the boys shoulder. 

"no, it's just that I don't have any friends" 

"I can be your friend" Harry offered holding his out to help the boy up. 

"Really?" He looked at him hopefully 

"Sure" Harry shrugged smiling a bit. 

The boy looked up to him as if he had brightened his world. 

"So what's your name then?" Harry asked the boy, he felt bad calling him the boy. 


"Cool, my names Hadrian, but call me Harry" 

"That's a very cool name I haven't heard it before" 

The boy, Spencer looked at him with a kind of childish curiosity Harry had lost a long time ago. 

"What's your snakes name?" 

"Him?" Harry pointed to Asmodeus who head butted him. 


"His name is Asmodeus" 

Harry happily talked to the boy and fed his curiosity until a woman approached. His mother perhaps. 

"Spencer it's time to go" 

Spencer looked at her and nodded saying goodbye to Harry. Harry smiled and waved goodbye while Spencer gushed to his mother about this boy named Harry with a huge snake that was nice to him. 

Harry made a split second decision and turned on his heel to head back. They were going shopping for the school year later and Harry wanted to eat breakfast. Theo was probably awake, or waking up soon anyways. 

- - - 

When Harry walked through the door a rush of cold wind fled into the house. Sirius complained loudly in the next room Remus rolling his eyes. Harry kicked off his shoes and headed upstairs draping his coat on the chair in the room he was given. Sirius younger brothers old room apparently. Regulus Arcturus Black. 

Theo was still in bed face down in the pillows, covers draped across him oddly. Harry walked over to the window and it clicked open letting the cool air into the room. 

"Harryyyy nooo" Theo whined snuggling further under the covers. 

Harry sat down on the bed, "Theo you have to get up now" 

"No I don't shut up" Theo shoved Harry with a hand. 

"Come on now, there is French toast in the kitchen, there won't be any longer if you keep waiting though" 

Theo's head picked up a bit and he looked at Harry trying to decided if it was worth it. Theo flipped himself over and sat up shoving the covers off. The first thing he did was shut the window. He then started going downstairs, Harry following after closing the door. 

Sirius was sat glaring at Kreacher, the house elf who was glaring right back at him. 

"What in the world are you doing Padfoot?" Harry asked when he saw this

"Kreacher here is still alive, and stealing my property" 

"So kill him?" Harry asked confused as to why Sirius let him live. 

"I hadn't thought of that, we can stuff his head and add him to the wall" 

"oh fun, jolly joy, can I do it?" 

"Sure I don't want to" 

"Sirius, and Harry, you guys can't kill Kreacher and stuff his head on the wall" Remus spoke looking between the two, Sirius still looking angrily at Kreacher and Harry looking excited, Kreacher looking down right frightened. 

Harry shrugged and walked further into the kitchen where Theo was happily eating french toast.

A/N The last bit of this was written in my Lang-Lit class (IB school shit - equivalent to language, lang-language and Lit-Literature) - so excuse the rushed writing but Theo and Harry will be going back to Hogwarts next chapter, so there will be a lot more to go with the actual storyline, the summer chapters being more fillers and stuff because I don't want to skip the summer all together.

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