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A/N 1) written during lessons again 2) almost at fifty chapters :) 2) last like very last bit is late and on phone - next chapter will also be on phone, but there won't be this at top 

"Harry my boy you can't be doing this" 

"Yes I can, and I will" 


Dinner that day was turkey, and it was delicious, as to be expected from the Hogwarts house elves. 

Harry looked up to the ceiling with a critical eye, it was a clear night, and the moon was almost full. Harry cringed slightly feeling bad for Remus, who was not at the dinner table. Sirius was, and Flitwick was red in the face from laughter, as Sirius was re-telling the Marauders best pranks. 

"Astronomy tower later?" Harry whispered in Theo's ear softly, receiving a slight nod in return. They could not say anything like that out loud anymore, Blaise never missed the opportunity to be annoying. 

Blaise watched the two suspiciously, but that disappeared when Harry leaned over and whispered something to Pansy also. This was of course not the same thing he told Theo, Blaise didn't know that though. 

Pansy frowned but laughed quietly, which left Blaise wondering what he said, Theo knew, he was smiling a bit, and Draco was trying to figure it out. 

People slowly stopped eating, and the food melted away revealing desserts. Dumbledore was not present, who knew why. Who knows. 

Harry took a small bowl of ice cream and pulled his wand out. He directed the ice cream, and it floated near the wall, being unseen by anyone, and stopped behind Sirius, Harry twitched his wand slightly and the ice cream slid out down Sirius back. Harry slipped under the table and quickly spelled himself invisible. Harry got back out hurried and Sirius was gaping mouth open searching the hall for Harry. He could not see him of course, but Harry was tapping Theo's shoulder. 

"I'm going to go finish my essay" Theo stood up and exited the hall, 

"Theo, Theo, do you know where Harry is" Sirius ran out to Theo, back stretched weirdly avoiding the cold ice cream. 

"No, I think he hid under the table in there" Theo pointed back into the hall. 

Sirius grunted and went back in, 

"Revealing me darling?" Harry whispered reappearing wrapping his arm around Theo's waist. 

"We both know you were out here with me the entire time" Theo said turning to face Harry. 

"maybe" Harry shrugged. 

"Harry" Sirius yelled coming back out of the hall. 

"Oh shit" Harry took off running pulling Theo with him. 

"Harry, broom closet" Theo said hurried 

"Now" Harry raised an eyebrow 

"no not like that to hide, Sirius won't do anything if we're in there" Theo explained.

"That's true Sirius was forced by Remus, to never interrupt us if we were in a broom closet" 

"And how do you know that" 

"I was snooping a while ago" Harry said yanking the door to the closet open, pulling to a stop. They climbed in and Sirius stopped a few meters away looking around confused as to where the two went. Sirius saw the broom closet and raised an eyebrow approaching. 

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