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Harry sat in a compartment on the train talking to Asmodeus when Draco strutted in with Blaise Zabini and Pansy Parkinson, he was familiar with them from pureblood balls, but was not as close with them as Draco was being that Harry was usually in the Sweden Manor. 

Just as the train was about to depart and boy a bit shorter than Harry but still tall by all means walked in, "Can I sit here?" 

Draco shrugged and Harry nodded. "Thanks, oh yeah. My names Theo, Theodore Nott" 

"Hadrian James Potter-Black" He and Theo shook hands and the rest in the compartment introduced themselves. 

"If you're a Nott then how come I've never seen you at those blasted pureblood balls" Hadrian asked wondering how he got out of those death traps. 

"I've never gone, my father doesn't exactly like me, so I'm usually locked in my room until my mother lets me out" Theo shrugged. 

Harry cringed knowing the feeling from his few years at the Dursleys. 

The group sat in the compartment talking and enjoying themselves until they reached Hogwarts. There Draco Blaise and Pansy took one boat, and were joined by, ugh, Weasley. Steering well clear of him Theo and Harry got in a boat with two other boys. 

Harry and Theo kept talking and ignored the boys, who also ignored them. 

When they passed under the bridge with hanging vines many people gasped, but Harry felt the magic roll over him strongly. So strongly that he almost passed out. 

His face grew pale and his hands started shaking. He clenched his fists together. He was one of the most powerful wizards of all time dammit, why was he reacting like this. Theo asked him what was wrong and Harry fully sincerely said he didn't know. 

When the boats docked Harry felt the color come back to his face, but his hands didn't stop shaking. 

He only half listened as Professor McGonagall explained everything and barely listened to the hat, only tuning in for Draco and Theo. 


McGonagall called out his name and he had his way up to the stool with grace muggle borns could only hope to achieve one day. 

Yes Hadrian, you have quite the future in store for you. Keep Theodore Nott close to you.  

The hat spoke into his head before yelling out to the whole hall 


Dumbledore looked like someone stole all his lemon drops and the Slytherin table cheered recognizing him from all the pureblood balls. The Gryffindor table burst out in complaints, well actually mainly Weasley and some bushy haired girl. 

Harry paid them no mind and sat next to Theo across from Draco and Pansy, last of all Blaise joined Draco and Pansy on their side, and a blonde haired girl was sat next to Hadrian. 

Greengrass if he remembered correctly. 

They introduced themselves with her and a few other first years as Dumbledore talked. Harry looked at the staff table observing when a professor in a purple turban looked at him. Harry felt his scar start to ache and he looked away. He saw a man in all black with oily hair talking to McGonagall, he assumed this was Severus Snape, the one that Sirius and Remus had told him about, 'Snivellus'. They warned him that he might try to be very rude to him, but told him to remind him that he was still Lily's son, considering that he still had a schoolboy crush on her. 


"My name is Professor Severus Snape, you are to refer to me as, sir, professor, or professor Snape, I am head of Slytherin house" His eyes swept across the room "The prefects have already told you the rules, if you decided to do 'rule breaking'" He paused to glare at Harry "do have the common sense not to get caught." He swept out of the room again his robes a flurry. 

Considering how few people really were in Slytherin there were three to a dormitory, in most cases. However when Harry went to walk into his dorm with Blaise and Theo, Draco being placed with Crabbe and Goyle. A large green wood door appeared at the end of the hallway, Harry looked at it intrigued, the magic pulsating from the door. 

Harry approached the door slowly and pushed it open 

"Oi what are you doing mate" A fifth year prefect approached, Flint, "That door only appears when Slytherin's heir has arrived" 

Harry turned to look at Flint his magic twisting around shrouding the room in darkness, "want to know a secret Flint?" Harry's green eye lit up eerily with magic "I am Slytherin's heir" he said in naught a whisper. 

Several people still in the common room looked up and a seventh year approached him, "I am current king over Slytherin court, if it is true that you are Slytherin's heir then we must duel by protocol"

"Okay?" Harry shrugged 

"What you're not scared to duel a seventh year" He asked 

"no" "should I be" 

"He's gotten lessons from Bella since he was like seven I'm pretty sure" Draco informed the seventh year as he emerged from the door. 

The seventh year looked a little bit more apprehensive, an eleven year old, that had been tutored by Bellatrix Lestrange, the Dark Lords right hand woman. 

"Very well, we shall duel then" The seventh year swept into the common room and moved the furniture aside via magic. 

Harry took off the outer layer of his uniform, that being the cloak which made it rather hard to move. He loosened his tie a bit and stood bouncing on the heels of his feet. His wand in a dragon hide holster on his arm. 

The seventh year faced him wand in hand and a seventh year girl drew a protective line and shield around them, everyone else could still see the two but would not be harmed. 

Harry and the Seventh year, whom he had identified as Adrian Mulciber, a girl in his year older brother, bowed to each other and started.   

"Tangatarella" Mulciber cast at Harry who simply stepped to the side and stared into Mulcibers soul. 

Black smoke filled the dome and no one could see in anymore, Mulciber looked scared and backed up a bit and soon the entire dome was black all the way through. The only thing he could see was a pair of eyes, one green and glowing so eerily similar to Avada Kedavra and the other a stormy grey that looked as if lightning on a stormy night was coursing through it. 

Mulcibers eyes rolled back into his head and collapsed backwards hitting the ground rather hard. Blood pooled out a bit underneath him and Harry vanished the dome. He opened the door to the room and strutted right on in and slammed it for extra effect. 

A/N I really hope it's not just me who thinks that Harry's scar is larger, cuz in this story more it goes from over his left eyebrow and down to just below his cheekbone. 

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