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A/N did I do that? sixty chapters in less than two months?

"OOOOOHHHH little lover boys it's that time of year again" Sirius chanted entering the room in the morning. 

"fuck off" Harry grumbled pulling Theo closer to him. 

"whatever, Here are your Hoggy letters" Sirius handed them to the two. Harry rolled his eyes and let them sit on the side table. 

"I'm tired, go shag Remus or some shit" 

"Just what do you think of us" 

"Fuck off" Harry turned his head to ignore Sirius further. 

Theo mumbled some incoherent words and shuffled further under the covers. Sirius sniffed, 

"Well clearly I am not welcome here" Sirius did his amazing hair flip and left again leaving the door open in an act of annoyance. 

Harry glared at the ceiling and the door slammed shut. 

An hour or so later when Harry and Theo tumbled down stairs Sirius was pacing around the kitchen, looking decidedly happy. 

"Read this" Sirius handed a newspaper to Harry. 

"What is it?" Harry groaned 

"I assume it's something you'll like" 

Harry raised and eyebrow and sat down opening the newspaper quietly. 

Sirius twitched with his fingers in anticipation for Harry's response. 

Harry laughed slightly, lips clamped shut, and smirked. 

"Well that's fucking lovely" Harry almost laughed again. 

"What is?" Theo looked up from where he was leaning his head on Harry.

"I am now a wanted criminal in the muggle and wizard world" 

"Good for you" 

"I know" Harry kissed Theo softly. "Why are you so tired?" 


Harry smiled in a soft way, something not many people ever got to see. 

"Why didn't you wake me?" 

Theo shrugged returning to rest his head on Harry, who wrapped his arm around him. 

"Remus please let me do it" Sirius pleaded with him. 

"Fine Sirius, fine, do it" 

"Harry's going to love me" 

"Sirius he already loves you" 

"Fuck you Remus" 

Sirius rushed upstairs making tight turns by hanging onto the staircase. 

"What in fucks name is Sirius doing?" Harry raised an eyebrow. 

"You'll find out" Remus poured himself another cup of coffee. 

Harry looked towards the staircase and slouched in his chair. 

Theo said something which no one, but perhaps him, knew what the words were. Harry moved back to straight back and Theo all but hung himself on Harry.

"Theo go back to sleep" Harry kissed the tip of his nose. 

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