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A/N on phone if you don't know the drill by now then idek know, spelling mistakes and shit to be expected (as always when on phone) 

Harry and his friends were lounging in the library taking a break before their OWL's, which were tomorrow. Harry wondered vaguely if they should be studying. Nah they'd probably be fine they deserved rest anyways. Harry supposed he didn't really have to study per se but it was useful. Mainly Harry was helping Pansy to study, considering her anxiety with the OWL's. They were spread out around a table in a hidden nook, a big window was next to the table streaming in the hot summer sun. Just then as the sun moved out from behind the clouds and blinded him, Harry got a most wonderful idea. 

"We should go swim in the lake" Harry stated standing up pushing his chair behind him, the legs scraping the ground producing a screeching sound. 

"Are you sure about that Harry?" Draco asked remembering the squid often seen in the windows. 

"Absolutely" Harry said that with such certainty that they all knew it was well past convincing him not to. 

Harry waved his hands sending the books away and started for the common room. The others followed and went down the long way to the dungeons. Harry whispered to password to a seemingly blank wall and stepped in. The others followed suit, and when they re-emerged they had bathing suits on underneath their summer clothes. It was a Saturday so there was no real need for proper clothes. 

They all headed to the lake, a bit more of a spring in their step than before. 

Pansy who was a bit of them skidded to a halt holding her arms preventing the others from continuing. 

"Picnic we need to go to kitchens" 

Draco shrugged and went with Pansy while Blaise Theo and Harry kept the way to the lake. 

The water glistened in the sun and Harry was the first to reach the rickety old dock by the edge of the lake, under an ancient oak tree. Harry shedded his hoodie leaving it in a rumpled pile, and so similarly to that summer, dove into the water ever so gratefully. 

Theo shared a look with Blaise and then made his way out to the dock. He squinted a bit to see Harry under the water, he was swimming like a mermaid now. He pulled off his own shirt and jumped into the water, not doing it a particular way, but enough to get into the water. 

Blaise waited on the grassy banks for Pansy and Draco's return. He was slightly concerned at the fact that Harry hadn't come out for a breath of air yet. But, luckily, just as he was about to go investigate Harry's head popped out of the water. 

Harry shook his hair out like a dog and located Theo. He took a breath and dove back under swimming towards Theo. He squinted underwater and spotted Theo's legs. He grabbed Theo around the waist and hoisted him out of the water with him. 

"Harry not again" Theo grabbed Harry's shoulders to steady himself. 

Harry smiled and waded over to where the others were, Pansy and Draco had returned with food now. He set Theo on the grass and pulled him self out of the water. Yes there was a beach but, a) the dock was better and b) there were a bunch of younger students hanging around and swimming there. 

"What did you grab?" Harry shook his head again spreading water all over the others. 

"Harry. Was that necessary?" Draco wiped the lake water off his face. 

"Certainly your getting wet later anyways" 

Draco groaned and rolled his eyes but handed out food anyways. 

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