A Trip into a Broken Mind (UPDATE)

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this isnt me coming back this is me unloading stress, i did not know if you would like this chapter so the best way to find out is by posting

A/N This chapter I am trying something different I'm not going to write this one as 3rd person like I have been I'm going to write this one about Y/n in second person so you the reader can know what it is like in his shoes and find out if he really is truly at peace in his mind Also writing this chapter broke me.



You stood in front of the bathroom mirror, lost in thought, contemplating Wednesday's recent words.

Does she truly love me? you wondered. Does she understand that I have the ability to protect both of us? Maybe she's distancing herself for her own well-being.

As these haunting thoughts consumed your mind, a single tear slipped down your cheek. Startled, you instinctively flinched and gently wiped it away. Glancing down at your hand, you observed the tear with a bewildered expression. The last time tears streamed down your face was when you mourned the loss of your parents, who tragically passed away in your own home.

Memories of that heartbreaking event flooded your mind, and you desperately tried to redirect your attention elsewhere.

~Memory flash back 10 years ago the day of his parents' death (Y/n was turning 7) ~

During your visit to the Addams family estate, you spent time with Wednesday and offered her comfort after the loss of her pet. There was a lingering sadness because you were the one who had gotten the scorpion for her as a gift. Gomez and Lurch dropped you off back at your house, and as Gomez asked if he should come in with you, you shook your head gratefully, mentioning that your older siblings were home. Thanking him, you hugged him before he left.

Approaching your own front door, you found it already ajar, a rare sight. Hesitant, you stepped inside, your heart pounding in your chest. The once warm and loving kitchen was now a macabre scene, drenched in crimson. Peeking out from behind the counter were a pair of lifeless feet, a sight that shattered your world. Rushing forward, you found your mother's lifeless body, and the weight of the loss crashed upon you like a tsunami.

a haunting sight that shattered your very being. You couldn't comprehend what you were witnessing. Desperation consumed you, and you rushed forward, But as you knelt down beside the mutilated figure, the remnants of what was once your mother, you were overwhelmed by a sickening wave of grief.

Y/N: "N-no... Please, mommy, wake up! Please, please, Mom, you have to wake up. You don't have to go," you cried out in anguish, clinging to her lifeless body. With trembling hands, you gently moved her hair aside, revealing a face that was unrecognizable, further shattering your fragile heart. The weight of the loss crashed upon you like a tsunami, and you collapsed beside her, your world crumbling into fragments.

After what felt like an eternity of sorrow, you mustered the strength to move, your body heavy with despair. Through tear-blurred eyes, you stumbled into the living room, your voice a broken plea,

Y/N: "D-d-dad... P-please, anyone, I need you." You sank to the floor, overwhelmed by grief, and began a slow, pathetic crawl towards the lifeless body of your father.

Y/N: "Why? W-Why? No, no, this can't be real. How could you just die?" you wailed, your voice raw with pain, as you struggled to bring your father's lifeless form closer to your mother's. The task was arduous, but driven by desperation and a need to keep them together, you fought against the weight of your own anguish until you succeeded. You lay between them, their blood staining your body, sobbing yourself into a fitful sleep, utterly shattered by the magnitude of your loss.

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