Victorious, Defeat (UPDATE)

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hey along awaited chapter I'm so, so sorry i haven't been frequent with my chapters. but I'm trying my best so enjoy (IMPORTANT NOTE AT THE END)




Curiosity getting the better of her, Enid persisted,

Enid: "Aren't you going to tell me what you two were up to all night?"

 Wednesday: "And spoil the surprise?" the shorter girl said sarcastically,

Enid's eyes sparkled with mischief, 

Enid: "Oh, speaking of surprises, your costume is in the tent." She pointed towards the blue tent standing on the grass, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. Wednesday's eyes widened in horror.

Wednesday: "Costume?" her voice quivered with a mix of apprehension and dread.

Wednesday reluctantly stepped into the tent and zipped it shut behind her. As she entered, her eyes fell upon the black cat suit lying before her. Disgust twisted her features, and she held the costume up high, silently whispering,* I can't even believe I'm going to wear this.*

Minutes went by, and an unexpected voice muffled from outside the tent.

???: "Hello, Wednesday, are you in here?" the voice called out. Reacting instinctively, Wednesday swiftly pulled the intruder inside and held a blade to their throat, only to realize it was Y/n.

Wednesday: "Y/n, I'm sorry. I didn't know it was you," she immediately softened her stance, stepping back and staring at him with a mix of surprise and relief.

Y/N: " still as sharp as ever I see"

A small chuckle escaped Y/n's lips as he met Wednesday's gaze, his eyes finally taking in her beauty. She stood before him, wrapped in the snug fit cat costume, and he couldn't help but feel butterflies fluttering in his stomach. Lost in admiration for her petite figure, he found it hard to look away.

Noticing Y/n's lingering gaze, Wednesday's initial annoyance resurfaced, and she snapped,

Wednesday: "Um, Y/n? What are you staring at, you perv " she Walked up to him with a slightly bothered look in her eyes, she couldn't help but be taken aback. Her expression softened as she saw a sly flinch in Y/n's eye as he turned away,

Y/N: "You look good, Wednesday."

 *I don't like when he calls me by my name,* she pondered silently. *I can't help but feel saddened. I've grown so accustomed to being called pet names that 'Wednesday' sounds foreign coming from him.*

Wednesday emerged from the tent, her gaze filled with sternness. Enid's excitement reached its peak as she squealed with delight, rushing over to her friend and pointing at the costume.

Enid: "OMG, you look absolutely purr-fect! One thing, though, where are your whiskers? And, uh, what was Y/n doing in there before?" Enid's curiosity got the best of her.

Wednesday's eyes narrowed as she replied, her voice dripping with warning,

Wednesday: "Say anything more, and you'll be down to eight lives."

Just then, Bianca, sauntered past the group, her sass evident in her voice. 

Bianca: "What do we have here? The runt of the litter," she sneered.

Inseparable (Wednesday Addams and Y/N Grayson)Where stories live. Discover now