LORE (what is Y/N?)

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I've spent too many months working on a whole new supernatural being.



Overview: the Temporal Nexus is an entity built by an amalgamation of temporal forces and spirits dedicated to maintaining the delicate balance of time. They formed the Temporal Nexus, a guardian overseeing the temporal realm. Mortals chosen to wield their powers are known as Temporal Adepts or Veilwalkers.

Origins: The Chronomancers arose from the collective essence of the Chronos-Kairos Duo, Aeon Emissary, Mímir's Wisdom, and other temporal forces, creating an entity that safeguards the fabric of time.

Temporal Nexus Decision: Recognizing the dangers of directly granting mortals the ability to manipulate time, the Temporal Nexus convened with the Council of Temporal Custodians. They collectively decided to bestow upon mortals a modified gift: the fusion of speed, power, and wisdom.

Temporal Adept/soon to be chronomancer (Y/N): As a chosen conduit, Y/N is granted the following abilities:

Enhanced Speed: Unparalleled swiftness, allowing manipulation of time in a controlled manner.

Empowered Strength: The fusion of speed generates formidable physical strength.

Foresight and Visionary Wisdom: Visions and hallucinations provide insights into the past, present, and potential future events.


chronomancer: Master of time manipulation.

Veilwalker: Able to traverse the temporal veil.

Temporal nexus: Guardian channeling the collective power of Chronomancers.

Council of Temporal Custodians:This secret council comprises beings like the Chronomancers, veilwalker, temporal nexus. dedicated to preserving the balance of the supernatural realm.

Supernatural Folklore: Chronomancers are supernatural entities, akin to witches, vampires, and dhampirs. Their abilities are rooted in the manipulation of time.

Inspirations from Mythology:

Chronos and Kairos (Greek Mythology): Chronos symbolizes time as a linear concept, while Kairos represents opportune moments. These ideas blend to create the unique time-related entity of the Temporal Nexus.

Aeon (Gnostic Traditions): Aeon's, divine emanations associated with time and eternity, contribute to the essence of the Temporal Nexus.

Mímir (Norse Mythology): Mímir, the Norse deity of wisdom, enriches the Temporal Nexus with profound insights into the past, present, and future.


 Long ago, an ancient entity whose name has been lost to time (Zenda melisent), embarked on a treacherous quest to steal the powers of the primordial forces governing time itself.

 After hundreds of years of plotting and scheming, Zenda succeeded in stealing the powers of Chronos and Kairos, Aeon, and Mímir. With these stolen abilities, the entity achieved godlike mastery over time, becoming the temporal nexus.

In its newfound role as the guardian. Zenda formed the Council of Temporal Custodians, enlisting beings from various mythologies and influential figures throughout history. However, internal conflicts and betrayals eventually led to the downfall of the council, leaving Zenda as the sole guardian of temporal balance.

Recognizing the fall of the council and the peril of granting mortals direct control over time, Zenda collectively decided to bestow a modified gift upon mortals. Instead of full control over time, mortals would receive a fusion of speed, power, and wisdom, granting them the abilities of Temporal Adepts.

As the last mortal family to harness the abilities bestowed by Zenda, the Grayson family became the focal point of Zenda's attention. With the fall of the Council, she took it upon herself to watch over the Grayson users, ensuring that the delicate balance of temporal forces remained intact.

Thus, the Temporal Adepts were born, mortals chosen to wield the powers. Among them is Y/N, a conduit for the temporal forces, bestowed with enhanced speed, empowered strength, and visionary wisdom.

 When Y/N's abilities were first awakened, it sent an invisible rift through the world, sensed only by the followers of Crackstone. This event drew the attention of Zenda, prompting her to observe and guide the Grayson family as they are the last bearers of its temporal gift even if they haven't awoken it yet. and yes this is official there are more Grayson's out there 

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I'm not fucking kidding when i say all this took months to come up with this is just a quick run down but this fucking drained me and i know this story isn't the best and it still lacks in most areas but this story means a lot to me that's why i spent months into making up a supernatural being for y/n so i can have an explanation for his abilities  

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