Chapter - 4: The Obligatory Duel

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There they were, standing at the Vestri Court basking in the gaze of an adolescent crowd awaiting for a duel to begin. The old headmaster could see them quite clearly from above his office window in the main tower of the academy. Starring down at the students beside him was an intrigued Longueville and one displeased professor Colbert. The two looking down at the growing crowd beneath as word spread across the academy of the duel between mages.

"I still believe it is irresponsible to let this continue on, Headmaster." Colbert quipped to his side, aggrieved as he stared at the wands drawn between his students.

Longueville silently nodded her agreement yet still immerse to the duo below, her eyes like a predator planning it's next move. Strange.

Turning to him, Colbert said. "We should stop this now before it escalates further."

Osmond could understand where he was coming from, truly he did.

Young aspirant nobles, who hound for fame and glory, always look for ways to spread their names.

Duels were one of the few ways to earn the attention of the upper nobility, displaying their might and vigor against each other for a chance to attain higher standing in the aristocratic world.

But they who had yet experience a lick of combat would not know how to restrain themselves in the heat of the moment in a sanctioned duel. Often times a slip of the hand had lead to disastrous outcomes that could had been avoided with a little bit of control, yet had turned the whole event into a pile of political trouble between the participants families, even beyond that. Examples from the past have long proven that, both from telling tales and his very own eyes.

Yet Osmond merely waved a hand at his fellow.

"Now now Cubert - "It's Colbert sir" - but you need not worry. For soon I believe we will see the potential of miss Vallière's familiar very soon." He placated his professor, dousing his worries with his conjecture.

"But sir miss Vallière has said that she had her familiar scried at the local guild. How can you be so sure that she has it in her person now?" Colbert asked his superior.

"Live as long as I have Colart - "Again, Colbert sir" - and you will notice things you hadn't before." The headmaster answered back. "Just seat back and bare witness to the duel."

Though Osmond had indeed heard the third daughter of Karin ask for permission to leave academy grounds yesterday, he saw her travel the road leading to the nearby towns yet had turned back a few hours later. It maybe because miss Vallière couldn't find any assistance on what her familiar could be but why would she travel to the road to the dark forest?

The towns that crossed that road were all pass the dark forest, no other settlements were between that. Only military encampments were found there and they likely didn't have the support of a mage guild.

Colbert still had a frown on his face. It seemed that, no matter what he says, he still disagrees with the arrangement. Too much was his concern for his pupils, though the circumstance does call for such a thing.

The professor's gaze bore into the back of his head for a long while before the headmaster released a sigh.

"Oh fine. If you're that concerned about the duel then you can referee it and supervise the bout."

Colbert muled over what he said. "That... is more agreeable sir." Colbert took what he can get and walked out of his office.

As the doors closed and silence permeating the room, the Headmaster turned back down to the two noble scions on the court. Unaware of the quiet interest of his secretary beside.

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