Chapter - 7: The Raid

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Louise honestly did not know what to initially think of her Champion. Originally, she thought she was going to get a monster with her Elite Champion Token. Strong, terrifying and brutal. That was what she expected her champion would be, all three aspects at her disposal and enough to drive fear into the hearts of her enemies. What she did not expect was to summon a knight in grim armor!

She stared at the armored figure kneeling before her, his grimy armor a telltale of war and battle as his smudged face stared up at her, smiling even with his rugged features that brought a sense of comfort in her she couldn't describe.

Their earlier conversation had given her enough of a glimpse to know that despite his wartorn appearance he was far from a brute. Especially when he had said his vow.

Red dusting colored Louise's cheeks.

She was blushing she knows, but when he finished his vow she couldn't help it. He made a great vow to her, how he proclaimed his loyalty, saying it with such conviction and steel that she believed him wholeheartedly. He was the sword that would break any enemy, the shield that would protect her from any weapon. He was her knight, her great warrior, her Champion.

"I have told you my name, milady, shall you tell me yours?" He said to her, speaking from his still kneeling form.

Louise was shook from her stupor as she registered what he said. He was right of course, he gave his name openly to her and she should  give the same courtesy.

"Very well, my Champion." She stood straight. "My name is Louise Françoise la Blanc de la Vallière, your master and lady. I look forward to see what your capable of."

And how would she do that? In fact, what was she gonna do with him?

What was she going to do with him? Like said before, she expected a beast or monster to appear in his place, so originally she planned to have her Elite Champion reside in the Core room and protect her Core. But he was human, a person, not a powerful but dumb beast that is contented with just staying in one room forever, if she ordered to do that it would be inhumane!

He was her's to command, to order, to have protect her. She could have him do anything she wanted and he'd comply (probably). Yet he had his needs as well.

Maybe she could bring him back to the academy to act as her personal bodyguard. It wasn't that uncommon really for some highborn students to have their own small retinue of guards to protect them – the families of the noble houses being part of the higher ranked nobles in the kingdom, thus more susceptible to having their children kidnapped and turned into bargaining chips. So they sent loyal soldiers from their personal army to protect the future successors to their family.

Off course, the academy has the final say in wether or not they can send outside personal in their walls and thus personally screens those the nobles sent until they've confirmed they wouldn't be a threat to the other students.

"Master?" He asked again, pulling her from her thoughts as she had kept him waiting.

"Oh, um." She stutters, embarrassingly blushing as she regarded him. She coughed in her hand and regained her posture. She needed to be in proper manner befitting of a noble in order to speak with the man. "My Champion, rise."

He did as she said, rising from his knees and towering over her at 6'5, her short stature forcing her to crane her head to look at him as he stared at her with a calm smile.

"So, milady, what is it you want to command of me?" He asked.

"Well, where to start is the question." Louise remarks. "I have other current orders for you other than to guard my Core, my Champion." She pointed at the floating familiar in the back of the room. "This is the most important task I ask of you, protect it with your life as it is akin to my life being in danger should it be harmed."

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