Prologue: Singularity F

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Y/N was seen leaning against a pillar, his eyes were closed as his face was the portrait of calmness. He stood there for a while until....


his eyes snapped open as a splash of water hit his face, drenching his clothes. Y/N looked at the source and found three people laughing their hearts of at his wet state. One of them stepped forward, it was a guy with blonde hair and blue eyes, dressed in fine embroided clothes that looked like they belonged to nobles of the medieval era. 

???: Whoa! I knew garbage from the slums held an awful odor, but I definitely wasn't aware of the fact that wet garbage smelled even worse.

The people behind the guy laughed while he himself held a mocking smirk plastered to his face.

Y/N: ....

He didn't remember the name of any of these people as they were three out of the 47 people that held disdain towards him. He just sighed and turned away only to have his breathe knocked out of him. He crashed on to the floor as he heard laughter echoing down the hall followed by retreating footsteps. He laid on the floor for a moment before getting back up on his feet. 

He cracked his neck, stuffing his hands in his pocket as he started walking in the direction of the control room with an emotionless face. 

(Time skip....)

Y/N was about enter the control room when a laughter echoed from the room. It was very normal for people to laugh when they found something amusing. A normal person would enter the room to find what was going inside except that very person would not dare set a foot in when finds out the source of the amusement was none other than themselves.

 Y/N's case was pretty similar when he entered the control room. The people inside were the very ones who mocked him day and night. They were the Master Candidates of Chladea, special people blessed with the ability to practice magecraft are called Magi. However, these magi were different from others as they have potential to support spirits of the past in order to achieve their goal. 

Y/N was also one of them but as fate would have it, he was an ordinary civilian with the ability to practice little to no magecraft. On the other hand, these magi were the golden generation of this era. They were highborns, belonging to the upper society, elites to be more precise. However, to be absolutely accurate... they were elitist snobs, spoiled rotten to the core. 

Y/N shifted his gaze to the center of the control room and found a beautiful woman with long white hair and golden-amber eyes, appearing to be around the age of twenty-two to twenty-three. This woman was Olga Marie Animusphere, who although was scolding the crowd for their rowdy behavior, Y/N could clearly see her biting the lower lip to hold in her laughter and beside her was her ever faithful knight in shining armor, Lev Lainur who made no attempt to hide his laughter.

 This woman was Olga Marie Animusphere, who although was scolding the crowd for their rowdy behavior, Y/N could clearly see her biting the lower lip to hold in her laughter and beside her was her ever faithful knight in shining armor, Lev Lainur w...

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Y/N did the best thing he could by turning away and leaving. He unconsciously clenched his fist as only one feeling crossed his heart.


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