Chapter 2: Second Chanson

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Y/n and the others were sitting on logs of wood as they explained their predicament to the Saint of Orleans.

Jeanne: So..... This is the reason for the current state of France......

She had a look of sorrow on her face as Y/n's two female servants consoled her.
Y/n on the other hand, didn't care much as he pondered about possible strategies and tactics, he could utilize to fix this Singularity.


That night, everyone was fast asleep except for a certain Master. Y/n gazed up at the stars as they twinkled brightly in the pitch-black sky. He had not seen the outside world since he joined Chaldea. Y/n closed his eyes as he tried to go back to sleep when he suddenly heard a voice in his ears.

Y/n sat up as he scanned the area. He pinpointed the direction the sound was coming from and decided to check.

He treaded through the forest warily. He procured a knife in his hands through magecraft for safety. He finally reached the source and saw a mop of familiar golden blonde hair.

Jeanne was kneeling on the ground with her fingers interlocked. Her head bowed in reverence as she prayed to God in a melodious tone with her eyes closed.

Y/n decided not to interrupt her as she continued praying. After she was finished, He approached her.

Jeanne was startled as she didn't expect anyone to watch her pray. Y/n complimented her, making her cheeks turn red.

Jeanne: O-oh! That was nothing! I was just praying to the Lord for the safety of France!

Y/n nodded his head in understanding. He knew Saints prioritize the welfare of people before their own desires. He turned his attention back to Jeanne who was still busy flailing her arms with a flustered look on her face.

He smirked before putting his hand on her head and gently rubbing it. Jeanne's face turned even redder at Y/n's action.

Jeanne: Ehhhh?! Wha—!? What are you doing?!

Y/n gave her a perplexed look. The other girls liked it when he rubbed their heads.

Y/n: .....?

Jeanne: N-no! It's not that I dislike it! I was s-startled that's all!

Y/n: ....

Jeanne: I-I see.... Thank you for having faith in me. Even though I am just an incomplete servant who is nothing more than a burden.

Jeanne looked down with a defeated expression. Y/n raised his hand upto her head before flicking her forehead.

Jeanne: Ouch! What was that for?

She put both her palms on her forehead in pain as she questioned Y/n's action.Y/n just shook his head

Y/n: ....

He told her to have a bit more faith in herself. She was a Saint after all.

Jeanne: I am not really a Saint though....

Y/n flicked her forehead once more, making her yelp in pain again.

Y/n: .....

He told her that if she wasn't a Saint then France is not worth saving. After all, no common man or woman would risk their lives to save a country which is on the verge of death. Only someone special is capable of performing such a bloody feat without having their resolve utterly broken apart.

Jeanne: Thank you for your kind words. Though I still can't come to regard myself as a Saint, your words have given me the courage to fight back.

She gave him a grateful smile as she raised her palm to him.

Jeanne: I hope you will continue to have faith in someone like me Y/n— No, Master!

Y/n smiled before accepting her hand. His command spells flashed before a connection between him and the Holy Maiden was established. They nodded at each other in understanding and started walking back to the others but.....

Jeanne: Ahh?!

Y/n whipped around just in time to see  Jeanne crumpling to the ground while clutching her abdomen. Her face turned deep crimson as she panted heavily.

Y/n: ....!

Jeanne: I-I d-do not know w-what's wrong.... My body feels as if it's on fire but— Ahhhh?!

She screamed and gripped her chest when Y/n touched her arm. The scream though sounded less painful and more....

He didn't have time to complete the thought as Jeanne was engulfed in bright light. Y/n shut his eyes at the radiance emanating from his new Servant.

He slowly opened his eyes and found Jeanne in a different attire.

Her blue tunic turned white, her long golden hair now fell freely behind her back

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Her blue tunic turned white, her long golden hair now fell freely behind her back. With her blade unsheated, she stood back up and turned to Y/n with a newfound determination flaring up in her eyes.

Jeanne: Let's go Master.... Under this flag... I swear to  the Lord..... No harm shall befall your life until this body breathes.

Y/n just watched in awe as the Servant hoisted her flag to the heavens. He knew one thing for sure. That fixing this Singularity wan't going to be so difficult now.


Sorry for the Short Chapter and Delay. I was busy with my examinations and was also having a hard time finding inspiration.

One thing I observed as a writer, is that your attention can easily get diverted with the prospect of creating a new story. I get ideas for new stories  every now and then which makes me want to continue them.

However, I also have noticed while reading other stories is that many authors abandon their old stories for creating new ones,leaving the readers wishing for updates on stories which will never happen.

That's why I will complete this story anyhow but, seeing as updating regularly when you are not in the mood would degrade the quality of the chapters. So, please just bear with my laziness.

Don't forget to comment your ideas as they also are big source of inspiration.

Thank you for reading my stories until next time!


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