Prologue: Hundred Years of Dragon Wars

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Y/n walked back to his group when a cheesy villain laugh resounded in his ears. He turned and saw the world's most unfaithful figure staring down at his group from atop a hill. 

Lev Flauros Lainur watched him with amusement dancing in his eyes

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Lev Flauros Lainur watched him with amusement dancing in his eyes. 

Lev: Ah, I have seen many things in this world, yet this one event has surpassed all the others in feats of amusement.

Y/n didn't have time to reply as he was pushed aside by a certain pale headed woman. Olga shoved Y/n as he rushed to Lev with an expression of genuine relief and happiness plastered on her face.

Olga: Lev! Finally, you are back! I was worried something may have happened to you. But now that you are back you are going to fix everything, right, right!

Olga was about to continue when Y/n suddenly grabbed her hand and pulled her behind him. Olga gave Y/n a look of annoyance as he tried to free her hand from his iron grip.

Mash: Director, I know it sounds weird, but I have a feeling the man in front of us isn't the Professor Lev we know.......

Lev ignored comment from Mash as he turned to look at the young Director of Chaldea. His face loss all form of civility, his eyes flared with anger as his mouth twisted into a hateful sneer. Olga flinched at the sight of her most trusted aide glaring at her with nothing but hatred.

Lev: How annoying.... After all that effort of plotting your demise, Chaldea's demise, yet you still manage to cling to your worthless life! Just what would it take for me to kill you Olga Marie Animusphere. 

Lev shouted at her in anger before regaining his composure. He then started explaining his genius plan about how he destroyed Chaldea HQ by the help of bombs. He also retold about how he was the one responsible for putting the Master Candidates in the state of coma. Olga just watched as the only person she trusted, revealed the truth about destruction of her father's work of a lifetime. 

Lev: Oh, I can see some friendly faces her with you too. How are you on this fine day Doctor Romani? It seems your lazy attitude has worked in your favor for once. 

Romani said nothing but his hate for Lev was clear as day.  Lev turned his attention to Mash as a wicked grin broke out on his face.

Lev: And how are you Mash? Having fun with your Senpai, don't you? 

Mash: Professor! Why are you doing this?! You were so nice to all the workers of Chaldea, so please tell me what happened to you?!

Lev just laughed at the questions Mash asked him. He wiped a tear from his eyes before looking back at her.

Lev: Oh dear, I have not laughed so much in ages, thank you Mash. Sadly, you are mistaken. I only acted nice to you as way to earn your trust. All the times we spent together was a lie, a poly, a deception....

Mash: How horrible......

Mash had a sorrowful expression on her face but, it was ignored by Lev as he focused his gaze on Y/n. He watched Y/n with glee. His expression made Y/n feel like a guinea pig in a cage.

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