Chapter 1: The First Note

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Y/N stomped down to the hall before stopping in front of a door. It was the door to his room though it looked worse than the door of garbage truck. It looked as if it hadn't received maintenance for years, with rust covering the silver door making it appear almost reddish. It had a broken lock so anyone could just enter at their desire. It had graffiti of trash over the symbol of the organization.

Y/N closed his eyes and took a deep breathe before entering his room.  At least his room was safe from those spoiled brats. He slowly opened his eyes only to find a man with emerald, green eyes and orange fluffy hair that pasts by his shoulder. He wore a white coat with white gloves and white shoes with pants. This man was Romani Archaman the Head Medic of Chaldea.

Y/N however was unimpressed as the so called 'Head Medic' was right now sitting on his bed and eating cake

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Y/N however was unimpressed as the so called 'Head Medic' was right now sitting on his bed and eating cake. Romani turned at the sound of the door opening and gasped in shock.

Romani: Who are you?! Why are you in my private space for slacking off?!

Y/N: ....

Romani: Oh, I see... Sorry I didn't this was your room as it is usually empty most of the time. Hahaha....

He gave nervous laugh before clearing his throat and introducing himself. He shook Y/N's hand before rushing out of the room. Y/N on the other hand, couldn't help but notice the strange glimmer in his eyes. It was a feeling only those who have seen despair have. Something that they find in others. Hope. Y/N shrugged before throwing himself on his head before dozing off.


However, his moment of silence didn't last long as the sound of an explosion was reached his ears before he found himself in the middle of burning rubble.

He looked around only to find his room decimated with flames looming over in every direction. His mind went into overdrive as he rushed to nearby pile of debris as he started rummaging through it until he found what he wanted. It was golden locket with a strange symbol engraved on it.

 It was golden locket with a strange symbol engraved on it

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Y/N breathed a sigh of relief. He put on the locket and tugged it under his clothes. He stood back up and started trekking through the wreckage.

(Time skip) 

Y/N continued trekking until he heard a faint sound.

???: H-help m-me please....

He turned towards the source of the voice and found a young girl with short lilac hair, lavender eyes and fair skin. She wore rectangular frame glasses, a grey hoodie over a black shirt over a white-collar shirt, a red tie bearing the Chaldea insignia as for her lower half, Y/N couldn't see as it was crushed under the wreckage. 

Y/N quickly made his way towards her

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Y/N quickly made his way towards her.  Her eyes widened with years threatening to escape. 

???: Please help me Senpai!

She begged as Y/N took her by the arm, activating his weak magic circuit, he pulled with all his might. He felt the girl's body move but very slowly. He continued pulling when suddenly a sound echoed across the destroyed room.

30 seconds until Rayshift.... Please enter the Stasis Capsule for Safety...

Y/N cursed under his breath. They were in the command center. It seemed like the master candidates were about to rayshift when the explosion went off.

20 seconds until Rayshift....

Y/N hurriedly pulled exerting even more force.

10 seconds until Rayshift....

???: Leave me be Senpai! Please save yourself instead!

5 seconds until Rayshift....

Y/N pulled even harder while the girl begged him to save himself. 

3 seconds until Rayshift....


Y/N heard something break as a dust fell on his face. He slowly looked up as massive pile of burning debris fell on top of him. He only had time to hear a familiar sound.



Rayshifting procedure complete. Let the Grand Order commence...

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