Chapter 7: The Seventh Note

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Y/N and the gang ran up the stair of Ryuudo temple to confront the last servant of the Fuyuki Grail War.

When they reached the top, they saw a seravnt covered in the veil of black shadow but, unlike the other shadow servants, the shadows enveloping this servant were more like a poisonous miasama oozing out of it.

Y/N raised his head as his eyes locked with the servant.

???: So you have finally come Stargazer. Here to steal the Holy Chalice which I have sworn to protect until my last breath.

Y/n took in the servant's appearance

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Y/n took in the servant's appearance. It was a definitely a girl clad in black armor with red vein like patterns on it. In contrast to her armor, her face was paler than snow with two glistening golden eyes and matching golden blonde hair to go with it. In her hands, was a pitch black sword which had a stream of black and red energy swirling around it.

???: How very bold of you.

Caster: Wait! Saber you can talk! That'a mean you were willingly staying silent during our confrontation, didn't you?!

Caster shouting at Saber would have looked serious had he not been holding his ass in pain from the earlier abu- Noble Phantsam. Saber scoffed coldly in response.

Saber: It is beneath me as a king to lower myself in order converse with infertile dogs.

Caster dropped dead from the insult. Everbody looked in shock at the blue haires servant as he mumbled in grief.

Caster: Why does everyone bully me over my sexual life? Wait a minute!

Caster jumped back to his feet as he glared at the golden haired servant.

Caster: What right do you have got to mock me when you yourself are a virgin to begin wi-

Caster didn't get to finish his snide remark as blast of dark energy nearly missed him before exploding two metres behind him. Caster slowly turned to look at the massive crater behind him before snapping his head towards Saber with a horrified look plastered to his face.

Saber: Finish that sentence and don't blame me for chopping down your precious twig, you call a spear.

Y/N also looked at Saber and could have sworn the servant had a cloud of red rising on her pale cheeks.

Caster hurriedly nodded not wanting to lose his family jewels. Romani also had a similar reaction at Saber's threat.

Romani: We understand my king! Please spare us for our— Huh?!

Romani looked at the prana meters which were designed to check the mana present in any individual. His eyes widened when a particular individual's mana started rising at a terrifying rate.

Romani: Y/N! Quick! You have to stop Berser—

???: Arrrrrrruuuuuttthhhuuurrr!!!!!!

Everyone covered their ears at the incohrent scream, emitted from beneath the black knight's helmet. Y/N lost control over his servant as Berserker flew into rage and charged at Saber.

Saber narrowed her eyes before sidestepping Berserker before delivering a heavy slash from her blade. Y/N's eyes widened at the sight of the massive black knight zipping through the air before crashing into the temple's wall.

Y/N wanted to see if Berserker was okay but didn't get the time as Saber charged at him with an inhuman speed.

Mash: Senpai!

Mash stepped in between him and Saber, blocking the oncoming fatal blow.

Saber: Ho~ a Demi-Servant. I didn't expect you would have his shield though.

Saber retracted her blade before delivering devastating kick at the shield.
Mash shook a little but managed to hold her ground.

Saber charged again with her blade ready to chop down anything which obstructed her path. The ground quaked in fear as the sky let out a thunderous roar.

Y/N could only watch as the attacks of the sword-wielding servant decimated everything around her. Berserker, who had gotten back up on his feet by this point, hurled pieces of debris created from Saber's attacks, back at her.

Caster launched flaming spells at Saber but they were proving ineffective

Mash on the other hand, stayed beside
Y/N's side ready to block any incoming blows from Saber.

Romani: This is bad! Mash and Berserker's vitals are both falling rapidly due to the prolonged battle.

Caster's spells were barely doing any damage. Berserkers stones were instantly sliced up apart by her sword as she launched dark slashes made of energy at the Shielder servant.

Y/N felt something familiar rising in his heart, it was an emotion he had known for a very long time.


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