Tenebris Lallatio #1

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 Y/n just stared at the Servant that had appeared from the summoning circle. He cocked an eyebrow when she introduced herself as Saber Lily. He didn't have a hard time guessing her personality as the massive amount of holy energy emanating from her sword was enough to tell him. 

Y/n spared a brief glance to the holy blade and activated his magecraft. 

Trace on....

He had picked up this magecraft from the Shadow Archer in the Fuyuki Singularity. He also knew about it as it was one of the most common magecraft in the Moonlit World. The appraisal magecraft Tracing. Though, his tracing ability was far inferior to Archer. He still managed to get the required information from the holy sword. Y/n's eyes widened for a moment as the name of the sword appeared in his mind.


Then the person in front of him was none other than King Arthur Pendragon. Y/n was snapped out of his thoughts by an innocent servant invading his personal space. 

Saber Lily: Are you okay Master???

Saber Lily watched Y/n with a worried expression on her face. Y/n sighed as he shrugged off the thoughts about his new servant. He put his palm on top of her head and patted. Saber blushed in embarrassment at her master's action. 

On the other end of the room, Da Vinci and Romani conversed with each other about the successful summoning. Mash on the other hand, stared daggers at her Senpai's back while pouting adorably. 

(Time skip)

Y/n went back to his room and collapsed on his bed as the dreams took his consciousness away.


Saber Lily was walking back to her bedroom. The Shielder servant had explained to her about 'Incineration of Humanity' and gave her tour of Chaldea. She was little sad that her Master wasn't the one to give her the tour, but it was understandable as he was walking quite a treacherous path. 

Saber Lily asked Mash about the Fuyuki Singularity and the Demi-Servant answer was a quite a long one. Most of it talked about how amazing her Master was and the feats he had accomplished. Saber Lily was shocked at the revelation that a Magi defeated a Servant. Even more shocking was the fact that the Saber Servant, her Master defeated was an alter version of herself. 

Saber Lily was in awe with her master's achievements. She really wanted to get to know more about her Master. She decided that she would hang out with him tomorrow and spend some time with him. 

Saber Lily: Just like a Date-----!!!?! What in the name of Camelot, am I thinking?! Dating your own Master! How embarrassing!!!

Saber Lily covered beet-red face with her hands. The memory of the head pat surfaced in her mind which only intensified her blush. She ran back to her room and threw the plain white sheets of her bed over herself as she screamed into her pillow. 

After a while, she had dozed off to sleep. 


Saber Lily slowly opened her eyes, only to see the marble-white ceiling of her room replaced by an old wooden plafond. She tried to sit up but found herself restrained to the bed. Even her strength as a Servant wasn't enough to break the iron shackles that constrained her. 

Saber Lily looked around frantically for a way to escape. Unfortunately, she found herself completely boxed in a small room. The room had wood for both the floor and ceiling. As for the walls, there was nothing except for an empty void which seemed endless.

Saber Lily continued looking when suddenly, her face was snapped towards the ceiling by an unknown force. However, the sight in front of her, shook her very core with fear. 

The creature was something out of a nightmare

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The creature was something out of a nightmare. It had parts of different animals merged together in one body with an eye on each part. The animal heads opened their wide jaws to show her their rows of teeth.

Saber Lily could only scream as the creature lunged at her.

(Dream End)

Saber Lily jolted awake with her heart hammering against her chest. Her face had turned paler than her bedsheets. She shivered in fear, too scared to go back to sleep when a suddenly a warm feeling bloomed in her chest. Her trembling stopped as she felt a hand, caressing the top of her head. 

She turned and saw her Master sitting on the bed beside her without a shirt on. She blushed bright red at the sight of the lean muscle which constituted her master's tall frame. She suddenly found her bedsheet far more interesting as she lowered her head when suddenly, her eyes caught the sight of her master's hand. Her eyes widened as she saw a faded red mark among instead of a command spell. 

Realization hit like a truck as she shouted at her master.

Saber Lily: Master! you shouldn't use a command spell for something like that.

Y/n: ...

Saber Lily: Y-you sensed m-my f-fear and d-decided t-to s-summon me in your room!

Saber Lily covered her face with a pillow as she wrapped the bedsheet around her body. She was half-naked as she sleeps with her clothes off. Now, she was in a man's room with only her inner wear on. 

She heard Y/n sigh followed by a ruffling sound. She peeked up from her pillow and saw Y/n who went back to sleep without a care in the world. She pouted before repeatedly hitting him with her pillow. 

Saber Lily: M-meanie! How could you just go back to sleep like that, you jerk!?!

Y/n responded by shifting his body in her direction. Saber Lily pouted cutely before a yawn escaped her lips. She looked back at Y/n and saw him sleeping soundly. She pondered for a moment as a really embarrassing idea struck her. Nevertheless, she went with her idea.

She laid down beside Y/n and gazed at his sleeping face. Her face grew redder at her indecent act. She was still just a little girl with absolutely no experience with the opposite sex. The only men she knew, was her father, brother and her loyal knights. 

She was snapped out of her thoughts as two arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her close. She screamed silently at Y/n's sudden embrace but, her master was already lost to the world of dreams. She smiled a little at how adorable he looked when sleeping. 

She too wrapped her arms around him as she closed her eyes. The warmness of her master's chest was just perfect. Slowly, she too surrendered herself to the land of dreams.

Unbeknownst to Saber Lily, the faded command spell on Y/n's hand emitted a crimson glow before it completely reformed back to how it was, before it's usage.

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