The Love Guru's Theory

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Chapter 5: The Love Guru’s Theory

         The second my last class ended, I grabbed my bag and ran to the school entrance to wait for Lena. I arrived there before her, and while I was waiting I started to plan out what I could to do to open her heart. In any case I had to find a guy for her that was not a jerk, and that wouldn’t seal her heart forever.

I had noticed that she wasn’t a stereotypical cheerleader girl with short skirts and tons of make up. In fact, I don’t think she wore make-up, but what do I know? I’m a guy. She was also quite independent, which was good because most guys like that. The image she showed everyone is that she didn’t need anyone, but I think that if a guy would take care of her just like she deserves she wouldn’t mind.

She was scared, I figured. Scared to get hurt, so she decided to take the easy way out and shield her heart. In a way protecting your heart can be beneficial because naïve people don’t survive in our world nowadays, but on the other hand if she shields it too much, no man could get to her.

I felt a strange bond to Lena’s case. I usually didn’t spend this much thought on my... eh… clients. I guess I just feel like she deserves it. My thoughts were interrupted by a voice that sounded much like Lena.

“Move your butt, Will!”

I looked towards the direction the voice was coming from, and there she was. Lena was standing in the parking lot. Her hair was in a high ponytail, and she was wearing the same denim shorts she had on at school but now there was a smear of yellow paint on the side. Her sea green tank top would have matched her eyes perfectly if she hadn’t been wearing polka dot blue sunglasses. I don’t know how she had gotten past me, seeing as I was standing at the school entrance, but I didn’t stand still to think about it. I ran down the stairs that were separating us.

“Hey! So where are we going and how are we getting there cause I’m warning you, I don’t have a car.”

She smiled and said:

“Well you’re in luck, because our school is situated right next to my favorite place in the world!”

She started walking towards the exit of the school and I followed closely since I had no idea where her favorite place in the world was. We stayed silent for a few minutes and then something dawned on me.

“Wait you didn’t answer my question! Where are we going?”

“Actually, I did. I told you that we are going to my favorite place.”

“And… where is that?”

“Gosh, You really are deaf. I said it’s near school.”

I let out a big sigh. She knew very well what I was asking for, but she seemed to like playing with my mind. Through the whole conversation she had seemed very serious, but now that I looked closer I could see a twinkle of amusement in her eye. To be sure that she wouldn’t ‘misunderstand’ my question again I slowly asked:

“What… is… there… to… do… at… your… favorite… place… in… the… world… that… is… close… to… your… school?

“You don’t have to talk to me like I’m a moron! I actually understand English, unlike you.”

She was smiling now, and wasn’t even trying to hide the fact that she was making fun of me.

“You’re impossible!” I said exasperated.

“You know. I never understood why people say: You’re impossible. It’s not as if somebody can’t be possible. If a person is alive then they are possible! English sometimes doesn’t make sense.”

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