The Ice Breaks

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  • Dedicated to All the people that have supported me!

Chapter 21: The Ice breaks

Will’s POV

“I’m going to humiliate myself!” Calvin said dramatically.

“You’ll be fine!” I encouraged him. “Just go home, get changed into something that is comfortable but nice, and go meet Mia in front of the ice skating rink. What can go wrong?”

“For starters, I don’t know how to skate!”

“So let her teach you.”

“That’s embarrassing! The guy is the one that’s supposed to hold the girls hand so that she doesn’t fall. Not the other way around.”

For some reason the image of Calvin in a pink tutu skating next to Mia popped into my head. I couldn’t help but chuckle.

“It’s not funny, Will. It took me weeks to even get her to go out with me. If I ruin this chance with her, I won’t be getting another one.”

“Calvin. Chill. Out.” I said slowly.

He inhaled deeply. “You’re right, Will. Everything will work out.” It sounded like he was trying to convince himself instead of me.

“That’s the spirit.” I said as I thumped him on the back. “Go get the girl!”

Calvin grinned at me nervously, and walked off. It looked like my pep talk had helped give him some reassurance, but it didn’t make me any less nervous. I had a bad feeling in my gut that the heartbreaker was going to somehow sabotage Calvin’s and Mia’s date. They were till now the hardest match to put together, probably because of how opposite their personalities were, and the smallest mistake could have disastrous consequences on them.

That is why I was going to go to the skating rink, where they were going to go, and look for anything or anyone suspicious. Lena may think that I’m a horrible spy, but she has never actually seen me spy on somebody while using my gifts.

One of the things a cupid could do was melt into the background whenever they wanted. It doesn’t mean we can disappear, it just means that people are less likely to notice us, just like a chameleon.

I knew that they were meeting in front of the rink at 8.00 p.m, so if I arrived at 7.55 p.m I could find a good watch spot, before they arrived.

They would never know. Then if a person that I suspected was a heartbreaker came near, I would test them, and if they confirm my suspicions I do what I can to bring him or her down.

In my opinion the plan was foolproof. Nothing could go wrong, and I had plenty of time before I needed to be there. I walked out of the school entrance towards my bike, so that I could get home.

When I arrived I heard that no one was home, so I decided to enjoy the peace and quiet of my house. I put on the Tv and watched some shows on MTV. After a while I got bored and decided to go to my room and take a shower before the spying started. I hummed some random song that was stuck in my head, while washing my hair. I came out of the shower, and walked towards the fogged up mirror.

Something looked out of place though on it; Like two dark spots. Since I couldn’t place my finger on what it was I cleaned the mirror with my hands, and what I found under all the fog was a pair of eyes watching me.

I was completely glued to the floor. I couldn’t take a step. I looked at the cold blue eyes, as they studied me. Then I blinked and they were gone.

My feet unfroze from their spot, and I took a step back in horror. My heart was pounding in my chest. This was bad. Really bad. Actually, really bad was an understatement. The feeling of dread from before came back, but 10 times worse.

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