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"The fuck just happened?" Shang Qinghua asked to himself, slowly wiping the counter. He had thought it was going so well! He was getting close to his dream man and then he started getting angry for no reason! Then he just left!

The door chimed again and he hoped Mobei had come back. Shang Qinghua's face lit up and he whipped his head around so fast, he almost gave himself whiplash. But instead of seeing the brooding gaze of his ideal man, he saw an angry looking voluptuous woman wearing a skin tight red pantsuit.

"Oh no," he paled. "Did Shen Jiu manage to piss over someone else and she came here for revenge? Or is she a poor, unfortunate soul that tried to seduce Luo Binghe only to realize how much of a simp he was from my bro and then promptly get rejected and ignored? Please don't tell him it's the second one, those are always a pain to deal with, especially with my bro not here."

The woman's face started fuming, turning as red as her clothes. "Oh, fuck, it is the second one. Look, lady, sorry that Luo Binghe rejected you because of how head over heels he is but can you at least wait until Shen Yuan comes back and then you can shit on him all you want. Just please, please leave me out of this." This was his bro's problem and he didn't want to get anymore involved in it than he had to.

Unexpectedly, instead of lashing out at him demanding retribution and other shit that he usually zones out, the woman didn't say a word, instead, she somehow multiplied and turned herself into three people.

What the fuck lady?! Shang Qinghua didn't sign up for for a fucking witch or something to turn into three people–one of whom is quite large and terrifying–and hunt him down over a broken heart he had nothing to do with.

So of course, he did the reasonable thing that anyone in his situation would also do and promptly screamed.

"AHH FUCK, I'M GOING TO BE KILLED BY A WITCH BECAUSE MY BEST FRIENDS' SCARY BOYFRIEND DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO NOT BE AN ASS TO ANYONE OTHER THAN MY BRO." He shrieked in a very high pitched, very loud voice (an action that made him seem more like a hamster squeaking than a human).

The woman's face morphed from disdain to anger to confusion in less than a second. Scary witch or not, that woman has a very expressive face. In Shang Qinghua's opinion, she should quit the murdering of helpless bystanders (him) and try a career in acting, preferably far, far away from him.

"What–" the witch took a step closer to the counter, causing him to jump back and try to use the closest thing he could grab to defend himself with: the apron he took off a few minutes before Mobei walked in. As if it would be any help at all, he held it up in front of himself and trembled as the scary–still unnamed–witch came closer and closer to him.

"Pleasedon'tkillme," he tried once more in the same squeaky but less loud voice. However, as the woman, witch, whatever the hell she was, could start speaking, the bar door opened ruffly and the bell on top shook violently.

My savior.

Shang Qinghua allowed himself a glance at the person who single handedly prevented his death by opening a door and almost yelled again (but this time for an entirely different reason).

My hot savior, he quickly corrected his thoughts before fully processing what he's seeing.

From the bits that he has gathered after his brain decided to stop functioning once he saw Mobei walk in, Shang Qinghua realized four things.

One: Mobei decided to come running back to Cang Qiong bar after hearing him scream and thinking he got hurt, looking like a sad puppy–sad wolf? Sad something.

Two: Mobei being riled up makes him look fifty times more attractive. With his hair slightly displaced, some strands escaping his neat ponytail, framing his face like it is an art piece (which to Shang Qinghua, it most definitely is), a bead of sweat trickling down and glistening off of his thick neck, no doubt from the intense rays of sunlight on this hot day that was starting to make Shang Qinghua hot in more than one way. A slight heave of his chest as he returns his breathing back to normal. His still loosened tie sagging forward even more, exposing part of a well defined pec that Shang Qinghua would love to stare at, to touch to–

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