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Shang Qinghua wakes up with his hands tied behind his back... not a good way to start his morning/afternoon/evening—whatever time it is. He's also on a chair, blindfolded and gagged and in any other situation, this would seem incredibly kinky. It would definitely have led to something extremely sexual if he wasn't just kidnapped. Actually, that's a lie, this seems like it would be the beginning to a really bad porno.

Oh shit, is this the beginning of a porno?! Has he been kidnapped to be forced into filming a porn video? Were there a bunch of hidden cameras in the mall, is there a camera on him now, waiting for him to wake up for it to start?! Hell no.

(Unless, you know, someone in particular proposed this. If that very specific person asked to do this, then he might be much more receptive to the idea.)



Seeing that none of anything he's saying makes any actual sense and none of his captors seem to be responding, Shang Qinghua tested the gag with his tongue. He lightly pushed against it, expecting the taste of fabric. Instead, he tasted a bit of plastic. Curious, he pushed around it more, trying to see what exactly was around his mouth, if not fabric. Poking around it more made him realize he had a gag on—just not the kind he was expecting.

In his mouth is a round, plastic ball gag. Yes, a ball gag. By now, he's almost certain he was kidnapped to star in a porno. For some fucking reason. Literally, anyone would be a better choice to take then him.

Extremely disgusted by his kidnapper's poor life decisions, he heard a pair of footsteps approaching him.

Finally, something is happening.

When the footsteps stopped to where he assumes is in front of him, Shang Qinghua tried to seem unfazed by it and stare directly at what he thinks is the person who kidnapped him. Said person firmly grasped his face in hand and turned his head around, examining it as everybody in the past month of his life has been doing. Still gagged, bound and blindfolded, he was unable to do anything to stop it.

As his face was being let go, he could faintly hear someone mutter, "how disappointing." Which, rude. He knows he's not that good looking but he's the one who decided he wanted to kidnap him, he was perfectly fine going on about his life without getting kidnapped.

"Unbind him," the same person said.

A few shuffling of feet later, his mouth was ungagged and his eyes ungagged. The rest of him though, was still firmly tied up, probably so he wouldn't be able to run away. Hopefully.

Fortunately for him, he seemed to be in an abandoned warehouse of some kind; empty crates stacked upon themselves, the roof and walls riddled with holes, multiple armed guards standing by any potential exit, broken chairs hidden away in corners, one tiny lamp as the only lightsource for the entire building, and dust coating every surface possible. This also meant his eyes easily adjusted to suddenly being able to see again, without getting blinded instantly.

Being able to properly see now, Shang Qinghua easily identified his assailant as an older, less attractive Mobei Jun. An uncle maybe, or a cousin of some kind. They look far too similar to each other to not be related.

He is also able to see that he's not bound by a rope or cuffs, no he's bound in full shibari. It goes around his full body, intricately binding every part of his body.

So logically, he came up with the only reason for this: an older Mobei Jun wants to film a hardcore BDSM porno with him.

Does this kind of kinkyness run in the family? He kind of hopes it does. It would make life a whole lot more interesting if Mobei Jun ended up being half as kinky as he is.

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