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Look, if Shang Qinghua made a whole new character for Mobei in his totally not friend fiction, then he is going to commit to it! It's not like anyone other than him (and maybe Shen Yuan, but he doesn't count) is going to see it anyways, so it doesn't matter that he made Mobei's contact information based on his novel.

He stared at his phone for a little bit longer, admiring the name rushing out of the kitchen to go gush to Shen Yuan.

"BRO!" He yelled, flopping onto his bed. Shen Yuan gave him an unamused look when he walked in then completely ignored his existence once he was on his bed.

Not wanting to say it first, Shang Qinghua just stared up at him with his best pleading eyes, mentally conveying that he desperately needs Shen Yuan to ask him why he's doing this. Initially, Shen Yuan did a pretty good job of ignoring him but after being unrelentingly annoyed by it, he eventually gave up.

"Fine," he closed his laptop and set it off to the side. Seeing that he won, Shang Qinghua propped up onto his knees and practically shoved his phone into the others' face. "Look!" He excitedly pointed at the newest addition to his contacts. Shen Yuan squinted then pushed the phone out of his face to see it better.

"My... King?" He looked at the phone again before looking back at Shang Qinghua, then the phone again. "Look, I don't know what kind of kinky shit you're into, but why are you showing me this—and who is that, anyways?"

Immediately, the dopiest, stupidest grin he's ever worn appeared on his face. "First, there isn't anything kinky about it. It has a very in depth, detailed reason that you would never understand. Second of all, that is..." he paused for dramatic effect, vibrating from excitement. "Mobei's number! I got his number! I asked him out on his date! And he said yes! Bro, I'm going on a date."

The unamused, annoyed facade Shen Yuan had crumbled completely and he choked on air. "I'm sorry, what. Airplane, I'm impressed, I didn't think it was possible, yet here we are. Good job bro." Throughout his sentence, he slowly brought his laptop back to him, opening it up and ignoring Shang Qinghua once he finished talking. In turn, Shang Qinghua pouted and turned away. "Have fun on your date." Was the last thing Shang Qinghua heard before slamming the door behind him.

"Well fuck you too," he grumbled, not pouting at how one of the biggest things that have ever happened in his life just got ignored by his best friend. He can be petty about it later, he has more pressing issues to take care of.

Fiddling with his phone, he walked towards his own room and all but collapsed on his bed. Because Luo Binghe decided that coming over early morning, near his and Shen Yuan's extremely unhealthy bed time, Shang Qinghua missed out on a more than an hour of precious sleep (seeing Mobei completely made up for that though). So still desperately clutching his phone, he moved it as close as possible to him and instantly fell asleep.


A couple hours later, when the sun was fully risen and stopping all of his attempts to sleep, the very first thing Shang Qinghua did was turn his phone on to check for any missed messages. To his surprise, even though it's only been a few hours, there was a message for him—one that is exactly what he's been waiting for.

Are you free next Tuesday?

Giggling like an excited school girl who just got noticed by her crush (which isn't that far off from what he is), he quickly typed out his reply.

I'm definitely free then

That doesn't sound too desperate, does it? Eh, who cares at this point; if it's for what he thinks it is, he may be going on a date in a few days.

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